1590 West Algonquin Road #111
Hoffman Estates, IL 60192
Voice Phone 847-496-4546, Monday-Friday 8AM to 4PM USA Central Time
FAX only 847-963-1568, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week e-mail: brentjes@audiotubes.com
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An Important Note About NOS Tubes. Please Read.
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The 12AT7 is a high-frequency twin triode in a small 9-pin miniature glass package. This tube has a mu factor of 60, as compared to the higher gain 12AX7 with a factor of 100, and the 12AU7, with a mu of only 20. As you can see, it shares similar pin connections with it's cousins, but these tubes are not interchangeable. The 12AT7 is found in many high fidelity applications, as each triode section in normal use operates as a class A amplifier. They also turn up in line and microphone preamplifiers, musical instrument amps, and vacuum tube equipped recording equipment. By their design, they are inherently low noise, making them a good choice for these applications.
What's hot these days with these tubes? Right now, most of the vintage 12AT7 tubes are a great bargain, as the spotlight is still on the vintage 12AX7 and 12AU7 varieties. Both the USA and West Europe versions of this tube are just as well made as their famous cousins, but they were used less in hifi gear, and more in professional preamps and recording equipment. Those of you with a hifi preamp using the 12AT7, as well as owners of pro line and mike preamps, will find a refreshing change from the usual high prices of other vintage twin triodes. Both the vintage USA and European versions of this tube are excellent. I can't think of any brand, even "off brands" that made a crummy vintage 12AT7. Of course, the stellar performers are still the big boys: Telefunken, Mullard, Amperex, and RCA.
Nearly all of these tubes contain a pair of tiny "wing shaped" plates. These resemble airplane wings with a rounded front edge and a tapered opposite side where the plate is joined by a rivet or weld, and the two plates point in opposite directions. The only difference is in the RCA 12AT7WA military versions, where the plates look like tiny 12AX7 rectangular plates.
Here is a scorecard so you can tell who the players are in this family of tubes:
A tough question if there ever was one! The best advice is to get a few types and hear for yourself the good sounds you have been missing. All of these vintage tubes are excellent, much better than the Russian or Chinese yuck that is being made today. When replacing any stock Russian, Chinese, or East Europe tube with any of these vintage NOS types, you will notice immediately that the midrange glare is gone. Gone too is that honky, boxy quality, and the tiring upper midrange screech that current production tubes are famous for. Here are some VERY GENERAL observations about some of these vintage tubes:
TELEFUNKEN, SIEMENS, VALVO, LORENZ, and other German made NOS: These tubes are usually characterized by an impressive open "air" at the top end. The soundstage is large, even in mono applications these tubes have a great 3-D image. The midrange is ruler flat, and the bass is tight and accurate. These tubes have a fine sense of dynamics, and most are impressively quiet. These are not "warm" tubes, and to some ears their lack of midrange warmth may be heard as bright. I tend to think of them as accurate, and their clean, focused sonic image is astonishing. My personal favorites. For critical phono or microphone preamp needs, grab the rare Telefunken or Siemens ECC801S before they are gone! They are absolutely incredible tubes that will never be made again!
AMPEREX, PHILIPS, MAZDA and other Holland/France/Belgium made NOS: These tubes are a great balance of a clean, airy top end, nice midrange warmth, and accurate bass. They are very pleasant, clean, and musical to listen to in hi-fi applications. Unlike other clean European tubes, these break-up impressively when overdriven in a guitar amp. The rare longplate versions are the same, but with even more soundstage space and detail. The Mazda adds a nice bit of dynamic punch to the sound.
MULLARD, GENALEX, BRIMAR, and other British made NOS: Like a warm British jacket of the finest tweed, these glorious tubes have an attractive sweet warmth in their midrange and lower regions. The top end is silky and pleasant, without being rolled-off. The best of these tubes retain a fine sense of "air" at the top, and the upper midrange is smooth and liquid. These tubes reproduce the human voice, especially female voices, with haunting realism. The rare D-Getters and Genalex versions have an eye-popping huge soundstage, razor sharp focus and detail, and an uncolored top end while retaining the warmth of the lower priced versions.
RCA, RAYTHEON, GE, SYLVANIA, and other USA made NOS: This group is very diverse. The RCA, Raytheon, and Sylvania blackplates are among the best here. These are very musical tubes with air and sparkle at the top end, warmth in the mids, and great bass. The RCA are drop dead beautiful in guitar amps, even the lower priced greyplate and longplate versions. They also have a wonderful "phat" gritty sound when overdriven in these amps. The blackplates and most tubes made for organs are very quiet. The greyplate GE is an all-around nice-guy tube to listen to, the blackplate here possibly getting the nod for hi-fi use. The Sylvania greyplate and military versions are clean and a bit bright, but the Sylvania 6201 variants are very balanced and pleasant to listen to for hours. The RCA 6201 and 5965 is more like the Mullard, with a rich warmth and wide bandwidth. The computer type 6414 by Raytheon is a bargain since it is a 10,000 hour lifespan tube and has a great detailed top with some warmth in the lows. Currently, the USA made tubes are a nice surprise with their low prices as compared to the European types.
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Quantity in Stock new listing categories: "In Stock" = we got 'em, come and get 'em! "Temporarily Out of Stock" = Dang it, we just ran out, but check back real soon! "Call/e-mail" = these are rare tubes and stock changes quickly. Please call us for the latest inventory, and we can often outsource these tubes for you. |
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See new stock listing key at left |
Tube |
TELEFUNKEN![]() "A detailed, airy sounding tube that has jaw-dropping imaging coupled with a ruler-flat response. Super low noise and accuracy makes it a top pick for microphones and recording equipment. The tube of choice for classical, jazz, male vocals, and choral music." |
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Quantity in Stock |
ECC801S (12AT7 premium tube) Telefunken, diamond mark, hand selected/matched pairs |
New Old Stock original boxes and white box. These were made for AEG, but is a diamond bottom Telefunken ECC801S, only the label is different. Perfect labels, very nice tubes. SINGLE TUBES ARE $299.00. These are the low noise audio screened, 10,000hr. rated heater life 12AT7, that are about the best 'AT7 available, at any time. These pairs all are matched to 1 percent tolerance, and have been tested for microphonics and noise. Indulge your hi-fi, these tubes are getting scarcer every day! CLIENT COMMENTS: "Hi Brent, Just received the most awesome ECC801S Telefunken's! There is now air, 3D imaging, detail, and sound-stage like never before in my McIntosh MA2275. I'd recommend all owners of this gear to do the same. I am extremely happy with all of my purchases from you! Great packing on these tubes by the way. All the best, M. M." |
$650.00 per pair |
in stock |
ECC801S (12AT7 premium tube) Telefunken, diamond mark |
New Old Stock white boxes. Made for AEG, Telefunken diamond bottom. Never plentiful, this tube is worth seeking out. Good labels, very nice tubes. These are the low noise audio screened, 10,000hr. rated heater life 12AT7, that are about the best 'AT7 available, at any time. Priced per single tube. |
325.00 |
in Stock |
5965 (12AT7 premium tube)RARE longplate Telefunken, diamond mark, Blue or purple tips hand selected/matched pairs |
New Old Stock, most in original Telefunken boxes. BIG stock just in! These were aftermarket selected for instrumentation use and have blue or purple painted tips to show this. Nice labels, very nice tubes. These are the very scarce Telefunken German made diamond marked longplate 5965 version of the 12AT7. These are smooth and sweet, with the typical Telefunken detail and airy top end! VERY rare in the USA, this batch, dating from the 1960s, came from a radio shop in France, and we may be the only dealer that has the real 1960s diamond marked version WITH selected attributes marked by the blue tips. Try them, your search for the perfect NOS 12AT7 type tube may very well end here! A few singles at $115 each available. |
$230.00 per pair |
in Stock |
6211 GOLD PIN (12AT7 premium tube) Telefunken, diamond mark |
New Old Stock original and white boxes. MORE PAIRS AND SINGLES IN STOCK! The rarest version of this Telefunken industrial tube, with gold pins. Good labels, quality on par with the ECC801S. These are the low noise audio screened, 10,000hr. rated heater life 12AT7, that are about the best 'AT7 available, at any time. Priced per single tube. MATCHED PAIRS ARE $550.00 PER PAIR. Very scarce, never before in stock, once these few are gone...... JUST IN, ONE PAIR MEDICAL GRADE RED TIP $800.00! |
275.00 |
in Stock |
6211 (12AT7 premium tube)RARE longplate Telefunken, diamond mark, hand selected/matched pairs |
New Old Stock, in white boxes. MORE IN STOCK! Good labels, very nice tubes. A rugged medium-mu version of the 12AT7, with a slightly lower gain and mellow sound. MATCHED PAIRS ARE JUST $230.00, single tubes are $115.00 each. These are smooth and sweet, with the typical Telefunken detail and airy top end! VERY rare in the USA, this batch, dating from the 1960s, came from a radio shop in France. Try them, your search for the perfect NOS 12AT7 type tube may very well end here! |
$230.00 per pair |
in Stock |
12AT7/ECC81 Telefunken SELECTED TUBE Red Tip, diamond mark, hand selected/matched pairs. |
New Old Stock whitebox. "Wing Shaped" plates, nice labels, very nice tubes. These have the distinctive red painted tips, and were selected for low noise and critical use in hospital equipment. These are carefully matched in pairs to within 2 percent transconductance, and make incredible audio tubes. All have the diamond mark on the bottom. SINGLE TUBES ARE $199.00 EACH! These are the best Telefunken out there! CLIEN COMMENTS: "Hi Brent, I received my red tip matched pair medical grade Amperex and Telefunken a few weeks back. I run an all analog Macintosh rig with a tuner from the 60’s and recent model integrated amplifier/turntable utilizing AT7’s and Ax7's. I never thought much of the tuner, mostly a novelty as a vintage piece after I played it at length, but I can honestly say the minute I replaced these tubes the unit came alive. Literally along the lines of vinyl. I did not expect that. As I broke in the tubes for vinyl playback, I realized all we know but cannot admit to regarding vintage tubes in terms of expanse and detail offered across genres. You did not have the tubes in stock I was looking for but made recommendations on the phone specific to my tastes and rig, and it worked out perfectly. Thank you for all you do for the community and sharing your passion and love for the sport." K.K. |
$400.00 per pair |
in stock |
12AT7/ECC81 Telefunken, diamond mark, hand selected/matched pairs. |
New Old Stock whitebox and original box. We have the largest stock anywhere of these rare tubes, and with a larger stock comes closer matched pairs with many tubes to choose from. "Wing Shaped" plates, nice labels, very nice tubes. These are carefully matched in pairs to within 2-3 percent transconductance. Nearly all Telefunken label, a few made for Mazda, all with the diamond mark on the bottom. These are superb tubes that are just becoming scarce so grab these great pairs now! CLIENT COMMENTS: "I pulled the Mullard 6201 from my SFL 1 Pre Amp, because something wasn't right. Kept getting a distortion in my right speaker; popped in a Teleunken 12AT7 ECC81 that I bought from you in 2013, and "wow". I even contacted PcX in Canada and told Chris Johnson to keep an eye out for any SFL 2 Black Plate pre amp, as I was not "feeling it" for the SFL 1 anymore. But the TF tube lifted a haze off my system. Just amazed me how damn good those tubes are. The lows and highs and everything in between are there.The SFL 1 sounds fantastic again. Great preamp with and only 1 tube to deal with too. J.H." MORE CLIENT COMMENTS: "Brent, I received and installed the Telefunken tubes today. OMG what a major improvement. The added clarity, fullness and layering just amazed me. The voices, piano, and violins sound exceptionally natural. Your recommendation and price point have me smiling. D.B." |
$230.00 per pair |
in Stock |
12AT7/ECC81 Telefunken, diamond mark |
New Old Stock whitebox and original box. I just acquired this nice batch from a collector in The Netherlands. "Wing Shaped" plates, nice labels, very nice tubes. Some made for Mazda. Priced per single tube. |
$115.00 |
In Stock |
Tube |
MAZDA![]() "A Swiss Army knife of a tube, it has a top end to die for, yet has warmth and sweetness in the lower midrange. Plenty of punch in the upper mids and tight bass make this tube sound at home in guitar amps and the finest hi-fi systems alike." |
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Quantity in Stock |
12AT7WA selected red or white tip military, 1960s France |
New Old Stock white box. "Wing shaped" plates, 1960s vintage, made in France. Rare military selected medical grade with painted tips, these sound incredible in audio use. Singles are $190.00 each. very limited stock. |
$380.00 per pair |
in stock |
12AT7WA / E81CC Mazda military, Triple Mica, France |
New Old Stock whitebox and original box. More in stock! "Wing shaped" riveted greyplates, third mica element on top with extra support rods, heavy duty military construction, 1960s vintage, made in France. The military version of the 12AT7, these are well made and very quiet. Made for various Philips brands like RTC and Dario/Miniwatt, all have the Mazda France "F" date code. Wonderful airy top end, midrange warmth, and dynamic punchy sound. Get 'em now! Matched pairs, when available, just $250.00!! |
$125.00 |
in stock |
12AT7WA Mazda 1960s France,halo getters, 2 mica. |
New Old Stock whitebox and original box. NEW, MORE STOCK AND LOWER PRICE! "Wing shaped" riveted greyplates, late 1960s vintage, made in France. The military version of the 12AT7, these are well made and very quiet. Made for various Philips brands like RTC and Dario/Miniwatt, all have the Mazda France "F" date code. Wonderful airy top end, midrange warmth, and dynamic punchy sound. Get 'em now! Priced per single tube. Matched pairs, when available, just $180.00!! CLIENT COMMENTS: "Brent, You are again right as rain!!. Thank you so much for steering me to the Mazda !2AT7WA. I (thought !) was looking for an Amperex, but your suggestion was perfect for my vocal recordings...I do have a Siemens ECC 801S, which is supposed to be the 'Cat's meow' in 12AT7 tubes, but the Mazda blew it away...very similar airy top end and solid low frequencies but a realistic (yet smooth and easy) bite in the mids...The first tube, and I have rolled MANY, that brings a solid not hyped, true-to-life realism to my voice in recordings." C.A. |
$90.00 |
in stock |
$300.00 per pair |
in stock |
12AT7 Cifte black plate square getter, 1950s France |
New Old Stock white box. "Wing shaped" blackplates, 1950s vintage with square top getters, made in France. Rare Cifte military quality, these sound incredible in audio use. Singles are $150.00 each. |
$300.00 per pair |
in stock |
12AT7 Mazda 1960s France |
New Old Stock whitebox and original box. "Wing shaped" riveted greyplates, late 1960s vintage, made in France. Made for various Philips brands like RTC and Dario/Miniwatt, or Conn organ, all have the Mazda France date code. Wonderful airy top end, midrange warmth, and dynamic punchy sound. Prices will never be this low again on these. Get 'em now! Matched pairs, when available, just $99.00!! CLIENT COMMENTS: "Good Mornin Brent! I received the Mazdas yesterday, Thank You & installed them in my Carver Tube Power Mono-blocks. You were Right on target . After warm up time, There was silence on each channel & NO Tube Noise!!. They replaced my early 60,s (Select /Medical/RedTip Telefunkens) & I have to say the Mazda tubes gave them a run, I will leave them in for a bit for stabilization; you said about 48 hrs!! The Mazda tube has a little less Detail in the mid but has Warmth, otherwise they are close in overaul Performance, & they have a little more gain!! Great Tube ,I have to say, WELL done Brent. J.S." |
$49.00 |
in stock |
Tube |
MULLARD and other UK made![]() "When it comes to warmth, no other tube can top this jewel from the British crown. Silky highs, a liquid midrange, and awesome deep bass give this tube its deserved reputation for warmth and full sonics." |
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B739 Ultra-low noise premium 12AT7, Genalex ORIGINAL 1960s blackplate, made in England.Hand selected/matched pairs, EXTREMELY RARE. |
New Old Stock in original boxes. These are the very scarce and much sought after Genelex special quality 12AT7 tubes, with white printing on the glass, and the GEC/M-O Valve Co. (or Marconi for B309) decal on the glass. This is the 1960s UK made original, not the Russian tubes available today. The B739 is a very low noise 12AT7, with matched triode elements. This has heavy, flat black plates and rigid top and bottom mica spacers. Excellent labels, carefully hand matched into pairs. The ultimate vintage audiophile tube! CLIENT COMMENTS: "I continue being well impressed by the tubes that I bought from you. Genalex A2900: are incredibly quiet and open but at the same time very musical and "right" in a way not dissimilar to the mullard el34 that i use in my radford. Thanks. J.A." |
$250.00 per single tube, $500 the pair |
out of stock |
6060 blackplate 12AT7 type Brimar with yellow "T" decalMATCHED PAIR |
New Old Stock in original boxes. One of the rarest 12AT7 types!! These are similar to the A2900 tubes listed above. 1950s vintage, larger, black wing plates, white label, and the yellow T decal with the Brimar name on the back of the tube. These are NOT the later 1970s white T-logo tubes that some dealers are selling for less. These are the early yellow decal T-logo that are much better in quality! Rich British tube tone, made at the Brimar Footscray, U.K. factory, long life late 1950s vintage. Some were military stock and are marked CV4024. Single tubes are $190.00 each. 6060 WITHOUT THE "T" ARE $200 PER PAIR OR $100 EACH. |
$399.00 per pair |
one single in Stock |
6060 blackplate 12AT7 type Brimar made, TRIPLE MICA, military avionics grade made for Zaerix, identical to "Yellow T" typeMATCHED PAIR |
New Old Stock in original boxes. One of the rarest 12AT7 types!! These are RARE TRIPLE MICA and are Brimar military aviation grade stock made for Zaerix. All Brimar 1950s made, military CV4024, same as the Brimar Yellow T label. These are similar to the A2900 tubes listed above. 1950s vintage, larger, black wing plates, white label. These are NOT the later 1970s white T-logo tubes that some dealers are selling for less. These are the early yellow T construction that are much better in quality, plus are the rare TRIPLE MICA! Rich British tube tone, made at the Brimar Footscray, U.K. factory, long life late 1950s vintage. Single tubes are $250.00 each. Limitted stock, 6060 original Brimar made tubes are becoming extinct, get some of these while you still can!! |
$500.00 per pair |
in Stock |
6060 blackplate 12AT7 type Brimar made, Zaerix label and military surplus Ecc81 label, identical to "Yellow T" typeMATCHED PAIR |
New Old Stock in original boxes. One of the rarest 12AT7 types!! These are relabeled ECC81 but still have the KB/AD military codes on the glass. Also we have aviation grade military stock labeled for Zaerix. All Brimar 1950s made, military CV4024, same as the Brimar Yellow T label. These are similar to the A2900 tubes listed above. 1950s vintage, larger, black wing plates, white label. These are NOT the later 1970s white T-logo tubes that some dealers are selling for less. These are the early yellow T construction that are much better in quality! Rich British tube tone, made at the Brimar Footscray, U.K. factory, long life late 1950s vintage. Single tubes are $175.00 each. Limitted stock, 6060 original Brimar made tubes are becoming extinct, get some of these while you still can!! |
$350.00 per pair |
in Stock |
6060 blackplate 12AT7 type MULLARD MADE, Mitchum and Whyteleafe UK factory codes, made for ZaerixMATCHED PAIR |
New Old Stock in original boxes. The 6060 is one of the rarest 12AT7 types!! These are similar to the A2900 tubes listed above. 1960s vintage, larger, black wing plates, white label, very rare Mullard manufacture. They are 1960s made, marked with he Mitchum UK Mullard factory code, which mainly made tubes only for the British military. These are aviation grade labeled for Zaerix. Never sold in the USA, and not sold to the public, these are the first I have ever seen this 6060. Rich British tube tone, jaw dropping image and realism. Single tubes are $225.00 each. |
$450.00 per pair |
in Stock |
CV4024 / M8162 TYPE Mullard military type 12AT7, rare Whyteleafe "A" U.K. Mullard factory mark, and CV455 early 1960s vintageMATCHED PAIR |
New Old Stock original box. A rare Mullard 12AT7 made for the British military in the 1960s. These have the very scarce Whyteleafe "A" factory mark which made select tubes only for the military. Used in British military radar installations. Some have been relabled with the Mullard logo and ECC81 as they were military surplus, but never offered for sale to consumers for some reason. They still have the KB military mark and are the early wrinkle glass. They are long-lived and sweet in hi-fi applications. Carefully hand matched into pairs. RARE. SINGLE TUBES ARE $125.00. |
$250.00 per pair |
in Stock |
12AT7 Mullard 1950s square gettter, early white label, CURVE TRACER MATCHED, NOISE TESTED! |
New Old Stock whitebox. "Wing shaped" riveted greyplates, 1950s SQUARE GETTER, fine old British Mullard Blackburn factory tubes. The square getter appeared only on very early Mullard tubes. These rare tubes are in original boxes and have been curve tracer tested and phono grade noise tested. MATCHED PAIRS ARE $275.00 PER PAIR. |
$275.00 PER PAIR |
in stock |
12AT7 Mullard 10M Series |
New Old Stock in original box or white box. "Wing shaped" riveted greyplates, 1960s vintage, made in Great Britain. Very rare, audiophile quality with closely matched triodes and a 10,000 hour rated heater. Better stock up, these are an endangered species! MATCHED PAIRS ARE $350.00 PER PAIR! Standard pin, please inquire about gold pin, as they are very scarce and difficult to keep in stock. We also have red tip select, same price. |
$175.00 |
one single red tip in Stock |
5965 Brimar early white label |
New Old Stock whitebox. Early 1960s ribbed long plates, fine old British tubes. The small print white label appeared only on very early Brimar tubes. A very rare and smooth sounding version of the 12AT7 and can be used as a 12AV7. |
$75.00 |
in stock |
E81CC (6201) Mullard military type 12AT7 MATCHED PAIR |
New Old Stock original box. A rare Mullard UK 12AT7 made for the British military. These are well made tubes that outperform any current made garbage, and are a step up from the standard vintage civilian 12AT7 tubes. All UK factory date coded! These pairs are matched to within 2-3 percent Gm. A FEW SINGLES AVAILABLE AT $119.00 EACH! |
$240.00 per pair |
out of stock |
CV4024 Mullard military type 12AT7 MATCHED PAIR |
New Old Stock original box. A rare Mullard UK 12AT7 made for the British military. These are well made tubes that outperform any current made garbage, and are a step up from the standard vintage civilian 12AT7 tubes. All in original British military boxes, all UK factory date coded! These pairs are matched to within 2-3 percent Gm. A FEW SINGLES AVAILABLE AT $99.00 EACH! |
$199.00 per pair |
in Stock |
Brimar blackplate 12AT7. |
New Old Stock whitebox. A rare early Brimar 12AT7 made for the British military in the 1950s. These have the rare black plates, almost never seen on a British tube. Very quiet and sweet sounding tubes. Priced per single tube, double for a pair. |
$89.00 |
in stock |
6211 / 12AT7 Mullard |
New Old Stock original box. "Wing shaped" riveted greyplates or blackplates, late 1960s vintage. A great alternative tube to the standard 12AT7 tubes, industrial quality. Get 'em now! Matched pairs, when available, just $70.00!! |
$30.00 |
out of Stock |
12AT7 Mullard 1950s square gettter, early white label or OEM and yellow label halo getter |
New Old Stock whitebox. "Wing shaped" riveted greyplates, 1950s SQUARE GETTER, fine old British Mullard Blackburn factory tubes. The square getter appeared only on very early Mullard tubes. Some labeled for other brands but are early Mullard UK made. MATCHED PAIRS ARE $199.00 PER PAIR. These are very scarce and pairs may have labels that differ. One pair of the rare yellow label halo getter as well, same price. |
$99.00 |
In Stock |
12AT7 Mullard 1960s shield logo, various labels, or early white label, halo getter |
New Old Stock whitebox. "Wing shaped" riveted greyplates, fine old British Mullard Blackburn factory tubes. The shield logo or small print white label appeared only on very early Mullard tubes. Some labeled for other brands but are early Mullard UK made. MATCHED PAIRS ARE $110.00 PER PAIR. One red tip medical grade in stock, $100.00. |
$50.00 |
In Stock |
12AT7 Brimar early white label |
New Old Stock whitebox. "Wing shaped" riveted plates, fine old British tubes. The small print white label appeared only on very early Brimar tubes. Some made for Pinnacle and Haltron. |
$49.00 |
in stock |
12AT7 Marconi blackplate |
New Old Stock whitebox. "Wing shaped" riveted greyplates, fine 1960s Canada tubes. MATCHED PAIRS ARE $80.00! |
$35.00 |
1 pair |
5965 / 12AT7 Brimar early white label |
New Old Stock whitebox. Ladder type long plates, fine old British tubes. The white label appeared only on very early Brimar tubes. |
$50.00 |
out of stock |
Tube |
AMPEREX / PHILIPS![]() "Sweet without being syrupy, these Dutch treats are perfectly at home right between the top end detail of the German tubes and the rich bass of the Mullard and RCA tubes. They have a bit of both, and pull it off with a sophisticated top end air and image. No wimps, these tubes, for they can rock with the best of them in a guitar amp, too." |
Price Each |
Quantity in Stock |
SPECIAL PRICE! E180CC (7062 / 12AT7 premium tube), PINCHED WAIST, D-getter with foil strip, Amperex Holland OEM made MATCHED PAIRS |
New Old Stock white boxes. A very nice Amperex Holland made 7062 tube, which is nearly identical with the 12AT7 and 5965 type, which has just a bit lower gain than the 12AT7. These are the very rare pinched glass waist, D-getter versions that sound superb! All date coded in the 1950s to 1960, labeled for IBM, but have the Heerlen, Holland triangle factory code on the glass. These are the low noise audio screened, 10,000hr. rated heater life tubes. Sweet sounding and smooth, you may never go back to a 12AT7 once you hear these. Better stock up now. SINGLE TUBES JUST $150.00! |
IN stock |
E180CC (7062 / 12AT7 premium tube), EARLY D-GETTER, Amperex Holland made MATCHED PAIRS |
New Old Stock original boxes, perfect labels. More in stock! A very nice Amperex Holland made 7062 tube, which is nearly identical with the 12AT7 and 5965 type, which has just a bit lower gain than the 12AT7. All Amperex Holland made, and these are 1960 dated rare D-getters with the foil strip. These are the low noise audio screened, 10,000hr. rated heater life tubes. Sweet sounding and smooth, you may never go back to a 12AT7 once you hear these. Better stock up now. SINGLE TUBES JUST $89.00! |
out of stock |
SPECIAL PRICE! E180CC (7062 / 12AT7 premium tube), Amperex Holland made MATCHED PAIRS |
New Old Stock original boxes, perfect labels. More in stock! A very nice Amperex Holland made 7062 tube, which is nearly identical with the 12AT7 and 5965 type, which has just a bit lower gain than the 12AT7. All Amperex Holland made, with Philips SQ labels. These are the low noise audio screened, 10,000hr. rated heater life tubes. Sweet sounding and smooth, you may never go back to a 12AT7 once you hear these. Better stock up now. SINGLE TUBES JUST $55.00! |
in stock |
6211 Amperex Holland made for IBM, BLUE TIP SELECTED TUBE (premium/industrial 12AT7 type) |
New Old Stock in Mazda box, made in Holland. Very rare tubes, carefully selected for early IBM computers, these are among the best of the best in an Amperex 12AT7 type. Made in Holland by Amperex for IBM France, with IBM labels. The blue or purple tip was marked by IBM after careful screening each tube for use in noise critical circuits, these are the best. These are low noise long life tubes that can take long periods in full cutoff without any changes in characteristics. They make an incredible audio tube. Priced per single tube, MATCHED PAIRS ARE $300.00 PER PAIR. You may never want, or ever need for that matter, another 12AT7 once you try these! |
$150.00 |
IN Stock |
6211 Amperex Holland made for IBM, (premium/industrial 12AT7 type) |
New Old Stock in Mazda box, made in Holland. Very rare tubes, carefully selected for early IBM computers, these are among the best of the best in an Amperex 12AT7 type. Made in Holland by Amperex especially for IBM France, with the IBM label. These are low noise long life tubes that can take long periods in full cutoff without any changes in characteristics. They make an incredible audio tube. Priced per single tube, MATCHED PAIRS ARE $200.00 PER PAIR. You may never want, or ever need for that matter, another 12AT7 once you try these! |
$99.00 |
IN Stock |
12AT7 Amperex made SELECTED TUBE |
New Old Stock original box, made in Holland. Carefully selected for Tektronix test equipment or Grass Instruments medical equipment, these are among the best of the best in an Amperex 12AT7. |
$94.00 |
one tube in Stock |
12AT7 Amperex Bugleboy logo RARE TREBLE CLEF SELECTED AUDIO GRADE, matched pair |
New Old Stock original box, very nice tube. The rare treble clef logo on the glass indicated factory special selection for audio use. Very difficult to find these today. Single tubes are $95.00. |
$190.00 per pair |
out of stock |
12AT7 1950s Amperex Bugleboy or white logo, Holland, D-getter with foil strip |
New Old Stock original box & whitebox, rare tube on par with the A2900. 1950s vintage and date coded, "D" top getter with foil strip. Not often in stock. Some made for RCA. MATCHED PAIRS, ARE $120.00 PER PAIR. |
$60.00 |
out of stock |
12AT7 Amperex Bugleboy logo MATCHED PAIR |
New Old Stock whitebox, very nice tube. Carefully matched for Gm. Excellent labels. |
$99.00 per pair |
out of stock |
12AT7 Amperex Bugleboy logo |
New Old Stock original box & whitebox, very nice tube. Priced per single tube. |
$49.00 |
out of stock |
12AT7 Amperex made for other brands |
New Old Stock original box, made in Holland, very nice tube, just like the BugleBoy tubes. Priced per single tube, double for a pair. |
$39.00 |
in stock |
12AT7 / ECC81 Philips made for IEC, Philips Italy factory |
New Old Stock whitebox, made in Italy, grey wing shaped plates, early 60s date codes, white label, similar to the old style Amperex Bugleboy tubes. Rather rare in the USA, great Philips European quality. |
$35.00 |
5 |
12AT7 / ECC81 Philips Miniwatt Germany, France, and UK made |
New Old Stock whitebox, made in Holland, France, or the UK, grey wing shaped plates, early 60s date codes, white label, similar to the old style Amperex Bugleboy tubes. Both D and ring getter types. Some had paper labels in Danish which came off, leaving dried adhesive. I have not cleaned these so as to preserve the original Miniwatt labelling. |
$35.00 |
8 |
12AT7/6201 E81CC Philips SQ Gold pin, Holland madeMATCHED PAIRS |
New Old Stock original box & whitebox, made in Holland, very nice tube, very similar to the Amperex. These rare tubes have heavily plated bright gold pins, and the SQ Special Quality logo. Only low noise tubes received the SQ rating. Hand selected pairs matched closely for Gm. SINGLE TUBES ARE $99.00. |
$199.00 per pair |
out of stock |
E81CC (12AT7/6201) Philips Holland madeMATCHED PAIRS |
New Old Stock original box & whitebox, made in Holland standard pin, very nice tube, very similar to the Amperex. Hand selected pairs matched closely for Gm. |
$65.00 |
out of stock |
12AT7/6201 Philips Holland made |
New Old Stock original box & whitebox, made in Holland, very nice tube, very similar to the Amperex. |
$28.00 |
out of stock |
Tube |
SIEMENS / SIEMENS UND HALSKE / VALVO / RFT![]() "A detailed, airy sounding tube that makes you think "Telefunken". But wait, there's more! Lower midrange body and a little wetness make this one seductive sounding tube." |
Price Each |
Quantity in Stock |
12AT7/6201 labelled, Valvo PINCHED WAIST made for Philips SQ, Gold pin, 1961 Germany made, MATCHED PAIRS |
VERY RARE Valvo Hamburg Germany factory marked, 1961 date coded, gold pins, and the elusive pinched glass waist.....it does not get much better than these tubes. These rare tubes have heavily plated bright gold pins, and the SQ Special Quality logo. Only low noise tubes received the SQ rating. The pinched glass middle contributes to no microphonics and a very focused sonic image. Hand selected pairs matched closely for Gm. SINGLE TUBES ARE $180.00. |
$350.00 per pair |
out of stock |
12AT7WA/6201 (12AT7 premium tube) Valvo goldpin, made in Germany, hand selected/matched pairs |
New Old Stock white box. Very rare Valvo Hamburg factory marked made for Philips SQ label or R/T, with early 1960s date codes. Military type with gold pins. These excellent tubes are very similar to the Telefunken ECC801S below, in build quality. Carefully matched in pairs to within 2-3 percent transconductance. Singles are $99 each. VERY RARE! |
$199.00 per pair |
1 single in stock |
ECC801S (12AT7 premium tube) Lorenz made in Germany hand selected/matched pairs |
New Old Stock white boxes, most with the military falcon logo. I just acquired this nice batch from a collector in France. Perfect labels, very nice tubes. These are the low noise audio screened, 10,000hr. rated heater life 12AT7. These excellent tubes were made by Lorenz of Stuttgart Germany, and are very similar to the Telefunken ECC801S above, but at a significant savings. Carefully matched in pairs to within 2-3 percent transconductance. SINGLE TUBES ARE $150.00. |
$299.00 per pair |
out of Stock |
ECC801S (12AT7 premium tube) Siemens made in Germany hand selected/matched pairs |
New Old Stock original Siemens boxes, most with the military falcon logo. I just acquired this nice batch from a collector in France. Perfect labels, very good old style boxes, very nice tubes. These are the low noise audio screened, 10,000hr. rated heater life 12AT7. These excellent tubes are very similar to the Telefunken ECC801S above, but at a significant savings. Carefully matched in pairs to within 2-3 percent transconductance. |
$350.00 per pair |
out of Stock |
12AT7 / CV4024 military RFT GermanyMATCHED PAIR |
New Old Stock white box. "Wing shaped" riveted greyplates, small halo getter, wide silver getter support. These were all military stock tubes with just the CV4024 on the label. Another fine German tube, similar in quality to the Telefunken but more difficult to find. Get the Tele sound and quality at a big savings on these rare milspec early 1970s tubes. Single tubes are $49.00. |
$99.00 per pair | In Stock |
ECC801S (12AT7 premium tube) Siemens made in Germany |
New Old Stock original Siemens boxes. I just acquired this nice batch from a collector in France. Perfect labels, very good old style boxes, very nice tubes. These are the low noise audio screened, 10,000hr. rated heater life 12AT7. These excellent tubes are very similar to the Telefunken ECC801S above. |
$145.00 |
out of Stock |
E81CC (12AT7 / 6201 premium tube) Siemens made in Germany MATCHED PAIR |
New Old Stock original boxes. Perfect labels, Siemens Und Halske factory code markings, very nice 1970s vintage tubes. These are the low noise audio screened, 10,000hr. rated heater life 12AT7, military spec like the 12AT7WA. These excellent tubes are very similar to the Telefunken ECC801S above, at a big savings. 1970s and earlier versions of this tube are getting scarce! SINGLE TUBES ARE $99.00 EACH. |
$199.00 per pair |
out of stock |
E81CC (12AT7 / 6201 premium tube) Valvo BLUE LABEL, made in Germany, goldpin MATCHED PAIR |
New Old Stock original boxes. Beautiful Hamburg Germany Valvo tubes with the rare blue label. Single tubes are $99.00. labels, Valvo factory code markings, very nice 1960s SQ type vintage tubes. These are the low noise audio screened, 10,000hr. rated heater life 12AT7, military spec like the 12AT7WA. These excellent tubes are very similar to the Telefunken ECC801S above, at a big savings. 1970s and earlier versions of this tube are getting scarce! |
$199.00 per pair |
out of stock |
12AT7 / ECC81 Siemens "Selected Tube", Germany |
New Old Stock whitebox. "Wing shaped" riveted greyplates, small halo getter. Rare selected tubes for medical and precision industrial equipment. All have "selected tube" labels. All have the Siemens Halske factory code. Another fine German tube, similar in quality to the Telefunken but VERY difficult to find. Low noise, sweet, and worth the search! |
$99.00 | in stock |
12AT7 / ECC81 Siemens GermanyMATCHED PAIR |
New Old Stock white box. "Wing shaped" riveted greyplates, small halo getter, Siemens Und Halske Munich factory mark. Some were made for and labeled Telefunken or Daystrom, others have the Siemens label. Another fine German tube, similar in quality to the Telefunken but more difficult to find. Get the Tele sound and quality at a big savings on these rare early 1960s tubes. |
$99.00 per pair | In Stock |
12AT7 / ECC81 Siemens Germany |
New Old Stock whitebox and original box. "Wing shaped" riveted greyplates, small halo getter. As above, but priced per single tube. A few are actually made and labeled for Telefunken, some for Daystrom. All have the Siemens Halske factory code. Another fine German tube, similar in quality to the Telefunken but more difficult to find. |
$49.00 | In Stock |
12AT7 / ECC81 Valvo or Lorentz, Germany |
New Old Stock whitebox. "Wing shaped" riveted greyplates (wide squareplates on the Lorentz), early 1960s small halo getter. These are scarce German made tubes, similar to Telefunken, but at a lower price. MATCHED PAIRS ARE $90.00 PER PAIR. |
$41.00 |
in stock |
12AT7 / ECC81 RFT Germany or TungsramMATCHED PAIR |
New Old Stock white box. "Wing shaped" riveted greyplates, small halo getter, wide getter support. Some were made for and labeled National or Miniwatt, others have the Siemens label. Another fine German tube, similar in quality to the Telefunken but more difficult to find. Get the Tele sound and quality at a big savings on these rare early 1970s tubes. Single tubes are $49.00. Also in stock are a few Tungsram yellow label tubes. |
$99.00 per pair | In Stock |
Tube |
RCA![]() "The RCA is the King of rock and roll tubes, without equal. From their throaty growl in 1960s guitar amps, to the sparkle and warmth of the blackplates in a hi-fi, these tubes have it all. Warmth approaching that of the Mullard, this tube is truly a Jack-of-all-Trades and at home in almost any application." |
Price Each |
Quantity in Stock |
12AT7/6201 Black Plate Aftermarket screened "Selected Tube" RCA made for Boonton Electronics, Boonton label |
New Old Stock Original Boonton Box. MORE OF THESE AMAZING TUBES BACK IN STOCK! VERY Rare aftermarket instrumentation grade selected 12AT7 RCA made tubes, 1960s vintage, carefully selected for use in Boonton Electronics audio and modulation analyzers. Selected for low noise, uniform output and low microphonics for use in critical applications in Boonton industrial test equipment. RCA 6201 USA military black plate made quality, these have the Boonton part number label on the glass, and the red painted tips indicating they passed the strict Boonton testing. These make AMAZING audio tubes for hi-fi or guitar amps! Priced per single tube. MATCHED PAIRS ALSO AVAILABLE AT $190.00 PER PAIR! |
$90.00 |
out of Stock |
6201 RCA or RCA made blackplate 12AT7WA type military spec. |
New Old Stock original box and white box. Nice RCA quality blackplate tubes, excellent labels. These are the 1960s vintage milspec version 12AT7. Long life heater, incredible sound in both Hi-Fi and guitar amps! Some are RCA made for Tung Sol and Raytheon, some labeled for the FAA and other military units. Getting hard to find. MATCHED PAIRS ARE JUST $160.00!! |
$80.00 |
in Stock |
12AT7 RCA made Blackplate, "wing shaped" black plates, square or D getter. MORE JUST IN! |
New Old Stock original box and White Box. We have just received an amazing stock of beautiful black plates with the white label, all 30th week of 1957 date coded, all still in the original jobbers boxes. High demand tube, getting hard to find. These rival the West Europe types, making them a real bargain now, while they last! These are the original and preferred tube for the phase inverter in most Fender amps, and sound great in any hi-fi application or microphone preamp. Same low price, matched pairs are just $110.00 per pair. |
$50.00 |
in Stock |
12AT7 "BUTT UGLY" RCA made Blackplate, "wing shaped" black plates, most square or D getter. |
New Old Stock White Box. High demand tube, getting hard to find. So if you had the chance, would you even grab a rough looking, Butt-Ugly RCA for your amp just because it is an RCA blackplate? You know you would, common sense tells you beauty is more than skin deep. No one wants to look at a butt ugly anything, but these butts are beauts! These rival the West Europe types, making them a real bargain now, while they last! These are the original and preferred tube for the phase inverter in most Fender amps. RCA made but missing labels or have strange OEM brand labels, various construction types from 1940s to early 1960s, just plain stinkin' ugly, but what a beautiful sound they make! Matched pairs are just $40.00 per pair. CLIENT COMMENTS: "Installed those butt ugly 12at7 today and WOW!!! They absolutely were outstanding in my preamp. I've tried several brands of at7s over the past 2 months and so far these butt uglys blew them away. These are keepers. I'm shutting down my search. These butt uglys are giving me everything I want. Thanks Brent. A.J." |
$20.00 |
out of Stock |
12AT7 RCA Greyplate |
New Old Stock Original Box and White Box. 1960s vintage, quality that has never been duplicated by any current production tubes. RCA USA made quality, bargain price! Many are OEM labelled, some with square or D getters. Matched pairs are $60.00. |
$25.00 |
in Stock |
New Old Stock White Box. 1960s vintage, wing-shaped greyplates. A rare chance to buy real 1960s RCA 12AT7s, that are just plain "Butt Ugly", in pairs at unheard of low prices. These will not last for long. These are ugly RCA 12AT7 tubes that I did not know what to do with. Some are unlabelled (made for organs), some have partially wiped-off labels, some have tilted or strange looking construction, all NOS and tested! Perfect for guitar amps. Genuine RCA (with "stop sign" logo around tube number) USA made quality, bargain price! SINGLE TUBES ARE $15 EACH! |
$30.00 per pair |
in Stock |
12AT7/5965 RCA Military/Commercial Grade BLACKPLATE MATCHED PAIR |
New Old Stock White Box. Rare 1960s vintage military/industrial tubes. Check out the high quality of these vintage tubes! SINGLE TUBES ARE $20.00 EACH. |
$49.00 per pair |
single tubes in stock |
12AT7/5965 RCA grey plate Commercial Grade |
New Old Stock in original or White Box. An excellent tube at a low price, that will outperform and outlast any current production 12AT7. This tube is also a perfect sub for the type 12AV7. MATCHED PAIRS ARE $40.00. |
$15.00 |
in stock |
6211/12AT7 RCA, some made for IBM, commercial grade |
New Old Stock original Box. These are nice 1950s and 1960s date coded tubes, some made for IBM computer use. A rugged medium-mu version of the 12AT7, with a lower gain and mellow sound. MATCHED PAIRS ARE JUST $60.00! |
$22.00 |
in stock |
Tube |
GENERAL ELECTRIC![]() "Truly, this is the well-tempered tube. GE tubes are evenly balanced and nicely flat in their response. The higher priced selected, industrial types, black plates and military stock types add uncolored smoothness to any hi-fi or recording equipment application, while the standard 12AT7 greyplates are excellent in anything from ham radio to guitar amps, to microphone preamps." |
Price Each |
Quantity in Stock |
12AT7 IBM or H&K Selected Instrumentation grade General Electric greyplate |
New Old Stock white box. Try these rare instrument grade selected GE 12AT7 made and labeled for IBM and Heintz & Kaufmann and were selected for low noise and uniform output. A genuine American 1960s 12AT7 with a great balanced tone that will whip any current production Russian or Chinese 12AT7. All are from the Owensboro, Kentucky factory, an incredible bargain while they last. Treat your hi-fi or guitar amp to a real American classic, and in a rare selected instrument grade quality. MATCHED PAIRS ARE $120.00! |
$59.00 |
In Stock |
6211/12AT7 GE cleartop computer grade, side getters |
New Old Stock white Box. These are nice 1960s special computer grade cleartop side getter tubes, blank or GE label made for IBM computer use. A rugged medium-mu version of the 12AT7, with a lower gain and mellow sound. These are all NOS computer repair stock. A step up from the standard 12AT7 tube! MATCHED PAIRS ARE JUST $99.00! |
$49.00 |
in stock |
6414W (7062 / 12AT7 premium tube), GE military greyplate MATCHED PAIRS |
New Old Stock white boxes, perfect labels. A great dual triode much like the 7062 above, but with USA military specs. Vintage tubes with a sweetness you have to hear to believe. These are the low noise audio screened, 10,000hr. rated heater life tubes. You may never go back to a 12AT7 once you hear these. SINGLE TUBES JUST $30.00! This tube is about 1/2 inch taller than a standard 12AT7. |
in Stock |
12AT7 General Electric 1960s greyplate |
New Old Stock Original Box and White Box. Large stock just in! A genuine American 1960s 12AT7 with a great balanced tone that will whip any current production Russian or Chinese 12AT7. All are 1960s date coded from the Owensboro, Kentucky factory, an incredible bargain while they last. Treat your hi-fi or guitar amp to a real American classic. MATCHED PAIRS ARE $40.00! |
$14.00 |
out of Stock |
Selected computer grade 5965 12AT7/5965 GE special side-getter cleartop selected for Burroughs computer GradeMATCHED PAIRS |
New Old Stock white box. Rare early 1960s GE tubes with dual side getters and cleartops, large 12AX7 type plates. These were made for computer use, and can take long periods in full cutoff without changes in characteristics. With their higher plate voltage ratings and slightly lower gain than a 12AT7, they work wonders in any amp, preamp, or guitar amp! Totally quiet with no microphonics thanks to the lower gain, and rigidity of the dual side getters. Plug and play 12AT7 replacements. Replacement stock for Burroughs computer equipment, most have Burroughs labels. Hand selected, carefully matched pairs. They go fast at this price! SINGLE TUBES JUST $30.00 EACH. |
$70.00 per pair |
in stock |
SPECIAL! 12AT7/5965 GE special side-getter cleartop 5-star Industrial GradeMATCHED PAIRS |
New Old Stock Original Box and white box. Rare early 1960s GE 5-star tubes with dual side getters and cleartops, large 12AX7 type plates. These were made for industrial use, and can take long periods in full cutoff without changes in characteristics. With their higher plate voltage ratings and slightly lower gain than a 12AT7, they work wonders in any amp, preamp, or guitar amp! I have listened to a pair of these, and they are rich, with a lush, warm midrange similar to Mullard. Totally quiet with no microphonics thanks to the lower gain, and rigidity of the dual side getters. Plug and play 12AT7 replacements. Replacement stock for industrial equipment, most have no labels but all have the GE factory mark on the glass. Hand selected, carefully matched pairs. They go fast at this price! SINGLE TUBES JUST $25.00 EACH. |
$50.00 per pair |
in stock |
12AT7/5965 GE or RCA Military/Commercial Grade BLACKPLATE MATCHED PAIR |
New Old Stock White Box. Rare 1960s vintage military/industrial tubes. Check out the high quality of these vintage tubes! SINGLE TUBES ARE $20.00 EACH. |
$49.00 per pair |
in stock |
12AT7/5965 RCA, TungSol, Sylvania or GE Computer Grade |
New Old Stock White Box. Most of these were used in early IBM computers and some have the IBM label. A durable tube for audio use at a great price! |
$14.00 |
in stock |
12AT7/6679 GE or RCA Commercial Grade |
New Old Stock White Box |
$14.00 |
in stock |
6211/12AT7 RCA, GE or Sylvania, some made for IBM, commercial grade |
New Old Stock original Box. These are nice 1950s and 1960s date coded tubes, some made for IBM computer use. A rugged medium-mu version of the 12AT7, with a lower gain and mellow sound. MATCHED PAIRS ARE JUST $60.00! |
$22.00 |
in stock |
6829/12AT7 GE military and 5-star, commercial gradeMATCHED PAIRS |
New Old Stock original Box. Excellent industrial/military tubes that work great in place of a 12AT7. A rugged medium-mu version of the 12AT7, with a lower gain and mellow sound. Carefully hand-matched pairs. This tube is about one-half inch taller than the 12AT7, but otherwise fits the same socket. |
$45.00 per pair |
in stock |
12AT7WA 6201 / GL6201 GE blackplate 5-STAR, Military Grade and 5-star |
New Old Stock White Box. A rare 1950s vintage blackplate triple mica, low microphonic military version of the 12AT7. MATCHED PAIRS ARE JUST $60.00! |
$26.00 |
out of Stock |
6201/12AT7 or 12AT7WAM GE greyplate 5-star TRIPLE MICA commercial grade |
New Old Stock Original Box. MATCHED PAIRS ARE $50.00 PER PAIR. |
$22.00 |
in stock |
6201/12AT7 GE (5-star) or Westinghouse commercial grade |
New Old Stock White Box. |
$22.00 |
in stock |
12AT7WA/B 6201 GE |
New Old Stock White Box and original box. |
$16.00 |
in stock |
JG12AT7WA / 6201 GE greyplate Military Grade |
New Old Stock original Box . Very fine vintage "wing shaped" greyplates. Rugged milspec tubes. MATCHED PAIRS $35.00! |
$16.00 |
in stock |
Tube |
SYLVANIA![]() "A Swiss army knife of a tube on a budget. The Sylvania has a bright sparkle, and dynamic yet lean midrange with tight bass. They blow away current production tubes, and the black plate and military stock series stack up nicely against the best of the European tubes." |
Price Each |
Quantity in Stock |
6211/12AT7 Sylvania GOLD BRAND, or military box plate commercial/industrial grade |
New Old Stock original Box. These are nice 1950s and 1960s date coded tubes, in the famous Gold Brand line, made for industrial or commercial use. A rugged medium-mu version of the 12AT7, with a lower gain and mellow sound. The Gold Brand is highly sought after but rarely found. We also have millitary box plates. Priced per single tube. MATCHED PAIRS ARE JUST $120.00! |
$60.00 |
in stock |
6201/12AT7 Sylvania GOLD BRAND. |
New Old Stock in original box. One of the best USA 12AT7 types ever made. Customers love these in headphone amps and DAC units! These long lived tubes are being snapped up fast! GB-6201 type with the distinctive gold labels on the glass and gold pins, some OEM stock made for Westinghouse as well. MATCHED PAIRS ARE $120.00. | $60.00 |
1 single in stock |
12AT7WA Sylvania gold label JAN greyplate Military Grade |
New Old Stock White Box . Very fine vintage "wing shaped" greyplates, gold label. These are identical to the Gold Brand, at a much lower price. Better stock up. MATCHED PAIRS ARE JUST $70.00 PER PAIR! |
$30.00 |
out of stock |
12AT7WA/B/C 6201 Sylvania, Military GradeMATCHED PAIR |
New Old Stock original box. Nice JAN Sylvania early 1960s quality tubes. Most in stock are triple mica. Matched to within 4 percent Gm. Single tubes are $20.00 each. |
$40.00 per pair |
in stock |
12AT7/5965 Sylvania grey plate military Grade |
New Old Stock in original or White Box. An excellent tube at a low price, that will outperform and outlast any current production 12AT7. This tube is also a perfect sub for the type 12AV7. MATCHED PAIRS ARE $40.00. |
$15.00 |
in stock |
Tube |
OTHER USA BRANDS AND RARE TYPES"Not to be missed, these tubes are some of the best deals per dollar going in a NOS tube. The rare types equal the best Europeans, while the Raytheon and Tung Sol 1960s smoothness are in a class by themselves. Better try then now, they are getting harder to find as time goes by." |
Price Each |
Quantity in Stock |
12AT7 early Groove Tubes Sylmar, California |
New Old Stock whitebox. These are the first generation of the Groove Tubes line of 12AT7 tubes, with the red Sylmar, California labels. These are likely 1990s Svetlana factory made. MATCHED PAIRS ARE $50.00! |
$25.00 |
in stock |
6414 (7062 / 12AT7 premium tube), Raytheon blackplate, some orange National label, TRIPLE MICA MATCHED PAIRS |
New Old Stock in original boxes, MORE JUST IN STOCK! These are the rare Raytheon black plates, some rebranded "National 12AT7" but are the genuine triple mica black plate Raytheon 6414! Good labels. A great dual triode much like the 7062 above, but with USA blackplate military specs. 1950s vintage with triple mica and a sweetness you have to hear to believe. These are the low noise audio screened, 10,000hr. rated heater life tubes. You may never go back to a 12AT7 once you hear these. SINGLE TUBES JUST $45.00! This tube is about 1/2 inch taller than a standard 12AT7. |
out of Stock |
7728 (12AT7 premium tube), CBS industrial gold pin |
New Old Stock white boxes. A very rare gold pin industrial tube made by CBS for critical applications in aircraft, communications, and other demanding industrial use. 1960s vintage with a sweetness you have to hear to believe. These are low noise audio screened, 10,000hr. rated heater life tubes. You may never go back to a 12AT7 once you hear these. Some made for other brands but all are CBS made. |
$100.00 |
out of Stock |
12AT7WA/6201 military stock, various USA brands MATCHED PAIRS |
Brands include Raytheon, Tung Sol, among others. These are quiet, factory screened tubes, similar to the Amperex 6201 classics. All are military stock, most grey plates and some are triple mica. We have carefully matched these into pairs. Probably the best value in a 12AT7 type, and an overall better tube than the standard 12AT7. Single tubes are $20 each. |
$40.00 per pair |
in stock |
12AT7 Various USA Brands |
New Old Stock Original Box and White Box. Too many brands to list, but all are vintage USA tubes at a bargain price. If you require a particular brand, a $2 call brand charge per tube is added. Otherwise we will supply whatever brand we have the most of. |
$14.00 |
In Stock |
Click here for a complete list of Telefunken tube date codes with manufacture dates.
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