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Hoffman Estates, IL 60192
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It is a long page, use your scroll button and scroll down the page to see it all. This list is organized now by each vintage tube manufacturer. Be sure to scroll to the bottom of the page to see every brand we have.
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The 12AU7 is a medium-mu twin triode miniature glass tube. In most circuits it is used as a class A amplifier per triode section. This tube has been, and still is, widely used in the preamplifier stages of high fidelity audio equipment, musical instrument amps, public address equipment, and broadcast equipment. It was used in so many different types of equipment that the vintage versions of this tube are still available without too much searching. Like their cousin, the 12AX7, the premium USA and West European brands are being hunted to extinction, but there are still bargains to be had in other vintage USA brands. Here is the list of what is available in the 12AU7 family:
12AU7 / 12AU7A: The common USA version of this tube. The 12AU7 can only be used in parallel filament circuits. Like the 12AX7, this is not a hassle since virtually all hi-fi tube amps are of the parallel filament design. RCA, GE, and Sylvania actually made most of these tubes, regardless of brand on the label. The early RCA version has ribbed flat black plates with a top getter and a white label. This is an amazing tube, one of the best USA 12AU7 tubes ever made and we have a good stock of these. Still available, and still a bargain since everyone wants the "cleartops": 1960s versions that have greyplates and the getter on the side, making the top clear. These "cleartops" are currently the hottest selling 12AU7, and are still a great buy at current prices. Watch this tube....I predict in 5 years it will be as hard to find as the Telefunken smoothplate, and just as expensive! The 1970s new logo version (and the late 1940s-1950s version with the white label) of the RCA 12AU7 has greyplates and a top getter. This greyplate RCA is about the best bargain you can get in a vintage RCA 12AU7. The GE versions pretty much always used greyplates and a top getter for this tube. The numbers are etched into the glass with a pattern of dots below the number. Don't miss trying the "organ stock" 12AU7 tubes that were sold to organ manufacturers. These sweet tubes were screened for audio use in organs, and have the organ brand on the label. Usually sold at bargain prices because of the re-branded label, the RCA cleartop and Raytheon blackplate versions are a great find! Tung Sol made an early "blackglass" version in the late 1940s, which hides the inside of the tube from view, and is very rare; later Tung Sol 12AU7 tubes look like early RCA greyplates inside. All of these vintage tubes used a chalky label paint, and often the tube label is smeared or partially rubbed off. This does not indicate use or poor quality. Rather, it is an indication of a genuine vintage tube, and all of these are excellent quality.
ECC82: This is the European version of the 12AU7, and is identical to it. The brands in demand are Telefunken, Amperex, and Mullard. Telefunken tubes have a diamond shape molded into the bottom of the glass. Both ribbed plate and the more famous smoothplate types are available, just like the 12AX7, but are being hunted down and soon may be an endangered species. Amperex and Mullard have tiny date codes etched in the glass near the bottom of the tube. The most popular Amperex are the Holland made Bugle Boy series, with the tiny cartoon tube blowing a bugle on the label. They later went to just a white label that said "Amperex", and then after that used the orange label with the world logo. The earlier Mullard tubes had the word "Mullard" inside of a shield logo, later versions said "IEC Mullard". Watch for the very rare long plate versions from the 1950s available in most European brands. These had narrow plates that were about 3mm longer than the 1960s and later versions. The earliest had square shape top getter elements, Amperex long plates have a distinctive D-shape getter with a foil strip along the straight side. A few late production longplates have a halo top getter. Even rarer are the Mullard and Amperex made CV491 longplate square getter tubes, made only for the military. Most of these early Mullard tubes can be spotted not only by the date codes and longplates, but by the distinctive "wrinkle" glass, where the surface of the glass tube is not smooth but rather has tiny wrinkles or sometimes an eggshell texture. These are all tubes of unequalled quality, and are worth the high prices they are commanding these days. Even used ones will blow away any of the trashy tubes in production today. Vintage versions again used the chalky paint, and frequently the labels on any of these tubes are usually smeared. Other versions to watch for are the rare medical/hospital grade tubes, often with "Electronics For Medicine", Tektronix brand labels, and /or red painted tips, but still have the Amperex or Mullard factory codes on the glass. Another rarity is the Amperex Bugle Boy with thhe treble clef sign next to it on the glass. These audio screened tubes were only made from about 1961-1963 and are worth the extra cost in their superb sonics.
7316:Simply an amazing tube. Amazing both because it sounds so incredibly good, and amazing how rare it is today. The 7316 was made by Amperex in Holland, I have never seen this in any other brand, nor have I seen it made by Amperex North America. It is a medical grade/aircraft equipment grade super low noise tube, not sold to the general public. It is Amperex's answer to the ECC802S produced by Telefunken, and the 10M series made by Mullard. Most have the Bugle Boy on the label, although I have seen plain Amperex labels, and OEM labels such as Beckman Instruments. The 1950s vintage with the long plates and D-getters are to die for. They are among the best sounding and rarest 12AU7 around today. Don't miss the 1960s halo getter version of this tube, as well. They sound nearly as good as the D-getters and are usually half the price. Very few dealers ever have the 7316 of either type in stock, well worth seeking out and worth the higher price. We try to keep a few of each type in stock, but it is not easy. Better buy them when you can find them!
CV491 and CV4034:A military specification version of the ECC82. These are usually found in Mullard or Brimar versions, but I have seen Siemens as well, and some made by Amperex. The CV491 tube was made into the 1990s so careful selection needs to be made. The best are the Mullard and Amperex longplates from the 1950s, which look identical to the longplate ECC82. Ei Yugoslavia made a nice smoothplate version into the late 1980s which sounds surprisingly good despite it's late vintage "East Europe" stigma attached to it. The CV4034 is an even rarer version, originally "flying lead" where the leads were soldered into a circuit board. A few very rare ones are around that have a modified 9 pin base so they plug right into a 12AU7 socket. These all are a step up from the standard ECC82 tubes, since they have military specs.
5814: This is a military spec tube. Sometimes the vintage GE versions may be labelled JG-12AU7WA in white and have 5814 etched into the glass. These are all low microphonic thanks to their rigid mica supports. Older versions have a third mica spacer near the top. These "triple mica" versions are in great demand today. The broadcast versions of this tube are the GE 5-star, and the RCA Command series. These vintage tubes have just started to become a hot item, as NOS stocks of the West Europe types become harder to find. These tubes can withstand many on-off cycles and mechanical shock without a problem.
6189 / E82CC: This can be both a military spec tube and a premium industrial tube. Often, the military versions will be marked 12AU7WA in addition to having 6189 etched in the glass. The older vintage of these tubes are usually blackplate with the extra "triple mica" spacer at the top. GE made this in their 5-star line for broadcast. The RCA military 6189 is gold lettered 12AU7WA, has blackplates, and extra support rods. These are excellent step up tubes in the 12AU7 family, when you can find them! Look for super rare triple mica versions from Mazda, Siemens, and Mullard, some with silver plates. Among the best 12AU7 tubes ever made.
5963: This is a nice industrial type which is nearly identical to the standard 12AU7. RCA made a nice blackplate version of this tube, Sylvania has a gold pin version, and GE has it in their 5-star broadcast line. The plate voltage rating is a little lower than for a 12AU7, but for most applications, it will work fine. It has a rugged cathode and should be long lived, similar to the 5814. Watch this tube, as it is plentiful now and prices are low. As audiophiles discover it, the rush will be on!
6350: This tube was mainly manufactured for IBM and other computers in the late 1950s to mid 1960s. Sylvania and GE blackplates are considered the best of all with this tube. The only difference is the pins that correspond to the grid and plate of each triode are reversed from the 12AU7 connections, so you will either need to rewire your sockets to take this tube, or consult with the manufacturer of your unit to see if this tube can be used as a sub for the 12AU7. It has a mu or gain factor of 18 so is very close to the 12AU7. These were made to tight specs and carefully quality checked, since replacement in a computer of the day was difficult and costly, and the tubes were expected to operate 24-7. These make impressive upgrades to the standard 12AU7!
6680: Motorola and GE are the brands you find most often with this tube, but RCA made a nice cleartop version for a very short time. It is identical to the 12AU7, but has the added benefit of being able to withstand variations in filament voltage without affecting it's output. This tube was designed originally for two-way mobile radio use. It makes a fine hi-fi 12AU7 tube as well. Never as plentiful as other types, this tube is rather scarce today.
7730:An excellent USA made industrial version of the 12AU7, produced mainly by CBS labs but I have seen it with other labels as well. This tube has thickly plated gold pins and was designed for critical uses in avionics and other exacting industrial applications. It has a long life heater, is extremely well balanced and a top choice for audio use. Very rare today.
ECC802: This is a premium version of the European ECC82, with matched triode sections. These are very rare in the USA, and often command very high prices.
E80CC / 6085:This unusual European tube is basically an industrial type 6085. However, it's specs are similar enough to a 12AU7 that audiophiles are grabbing them up while the prices are still reasonable. The heater life is rated at 10,000 hours, and some have gold pins. The larger box plate structure gives this tube low microphonics and silky smooth sonics. Some of the Philips Holland versions had the rare pinched waist, where the glass dips inward and actually molds around the top mica plate, giving the plates extra support and virtually eliminating microphonics. There is also a version made at the Amperex factory in Hicksville, NY, which is often priced lower but looks the same and sounds very similar to the Holland version. Since this tube has a much higher Gm and Mu factor than a 12AU7, the gain is going to be greater and this tube will give a more forward presentation. Awesome in phase splitter applications. If in doubt, check with your amp or preamp manufacturer to see if this tube will work OK in your application. This tube is also about twice as tall as a 12AU7, so installation space in your chassis is a consideration as well. These are out of production, rare, and getting very hard to find. The European types usually command the top prices, but USA types exist as the 6085 and should be a bit lower in cost, but they are also rare and climbing in price. Many USA tubes were actually made by the European factories, so watch for the 6085 USA brands!
B749:This is made by Genalex (Marconi-Osram Valve Co. of England) and is extremely rare in the USA. The B749 is in the "Gold Lion" series of audiophile tubes, and has the gold lion and gold script on the glass. Inside it looks similar to a Mullard 12AU7, and has a red Genalex decal across the bottom. These are said to sound the best of all 12AU7 types, and this reputation, coupled with it's overall scarcity, has driven the market price of this prize tube to extreme heights. Worth seeking out as these may be the first out-of-production classic European tube to go totally extinct over the next dozen years or so.
A tough question if there ever was one! The best advice is to get a few types and hear for yourself the good sounds you have been missing. All of these vintage tubes are excellent, much better than the Russian or Chinese yuck that is being made today. When replacing any stock Russian, Chinese, or East Europe tube with any of these vintage NOS types, you will notice immediately that the midrange glare is gone. Gone too is that honky, boxy quality, and the tiring upper midrange screech that current production tubes are famous for. Here are some VERY GENERAL observations about some of these vintage tubes:
TELEFUNKEN, SIEMENS, VALVO, LORENZ, and other German made NOS: These tubes are usually characterized by an impressive open "air" at the top end. The soundstage is large, even in mono applications these tubes have a great 3-D image. The midrange is ruler flat, and the bass is tight and accurate. For phono grade and critical high gain applications, the Siemens Nickel Plate and the Telefunken smoothplate or ECC802S are awesome. These tubes have a fine sense of dynamics, and most are impressively quiet. These are not "warm" tubes, and to some ears their lack of midrange warmth may be heard as bright. I tend to think of them as accurate, and their clean, focused sonic image is astonishing. My personal favorites.
AMPEREX, PHILIPS, MAZDA and other Holland/France/Belgium made NOS: These tubes are a great balance of a clean, airy top end, nice midrange warmth, and accurate bass. They are very pleasant, clean, and musical to listen to in hi-fi applications. Unlike other clean European tubes, these break-up impressively when overdriven in a guitar amp. The rare longplate versions are the same, but with even more soundstage space and detail. The USA Amperex factory tubes have a bit more detail and analytical focus while the Holland tubes are sweeter, both have great air and space. The Mazda adds a nice bit of dynamic punch to the sound.
MULLARD, GENALEX, BRIMAR, and other British made NOS: Like a warm British jacket of the finest tweed, these glorious tubes have an attractive sweet warmth in their midrange and lower regions. The top end is silky and pleasant, without being rolled-off. The best of these tubes retain a fine sense of "air" at the top, and the upper midrange is smooth and liquid. These tubes reproduce the human voice, especially female voices, with haunting realism. The rare longplates and Genalex versions have an eye-popping huge soundstage, razor sharp focus and detail, and an uncolored top end while retaining the warmth of the lower priced versions.
RCA, RAYTHEON, GE, SYLVANIA, and other USA made NOS: This group is very diverse. The RCA, Raytheon, and Sylvania blackplates are among the best here. These are very musical tubes with air and sparkle at the top end, warmth in the mids, and great bass. The RCA are drop dead beautiful in guitar amps, even the lower priced greyplate and longplate versions. They also have a wonderful "phat" gritty sound when overdriven in these amps. Check out the RCA cleartops, they are a knockout at their current price, about half that of a NOS European tube! The blackplates and most tubes made for organs are very quiet. The greyplate GE is an all-around nice-guy tube to listen to, the 5814A here possibly getting the nod for hi-fi use. The Sylvania greyplate and military versions are clean and a bit bright, but the 5814A versions are very accurate. The RCA 5814A is more like the Mullard, with a rich warmth and wide bandwidth. Currently, the USA made tubes are a nice surprise with their low prices as compared to the European types.
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Description |
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Quantity In Stock |
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Quantity in Stock new listing categories: "In Stock" = we got 'em, come and get 'em! "Temporarily Out of Stock" = Dang it, we just ran out, but check back real soon! "Call/e-mail" = these are rare tubes and stock changes quickly. Please call us for the latest inventory, and we can often outsource these tubes for you. |
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See new stock listing key at left |
Tube |
TELEFUNKEN![]() "A detailed, airy sounding tube that has jaw-dropping imaging coupled with a ruler-flat response. The tube of choice for classical, jazz, male vocals, and choral music." |
Price Each |
Quantity in Stock |
ECC802S MATCHED PAIRS (premium12AU7/ECC82) Telefunken, low noise frame grid, MATCHED PAIR diamond mark, VERY RARE! |
New Old Stock. These are the nearly extinct frame grid type ultra low noise ECC802S with the genuine diamond mark on the bottom in relief in the glass. The ECC802S label identifies the tube as having passed intense quality screening for critical applications in hospital, avionics, and industrial equipment. Low noise and no microphonics were just two of the attributes to qualify these for exacting test and medical equipment use. These wonderful vintage tubes are vanishing at an alarming rate. A fantastic, long-lived tube with unequalled sound quality. These are hand selected and matched to within 2 percent transconductance. You can spend more on high end speaker cables, and you will not get the sonic improvement these tubes offer! The cream of the crop and I rarely have these in stock. Once you hear them you will never go back to any other 12AU7, better get some now! Covered by our 30 day satisfaction guarantee, plus an optional 2-year extended warranty is also available! SINGLE TUBES, WHEN AVAILABLE, ARE $495.00 EACH. |
$999.00 per pair |
out of stock |
G73R (12AU7) Black Coated Selected, made by Telefunken for Agilent Technology and H-P, very rare avionics equipment grade smooth plate, diamond mark MATCHED PAIR |
MORE STOCK JUST IN! As rare as the famous ECC802S, these are the elusive black shield coated avionics/aircraft grade SELECTED TUBE made only for Agilent Technology and Hewlett-Packard. The G73R part number and RFI/EMI black coat shielding indicated the very highest grading. This indicates exhaustive after-market testing for low noise, uniform output, freedom from microphonics or physical defects, long heater life, and even, uniform cathode emission. Hickok tested, and then ear tested in a preamp! The finest Telefunken diamond mark smoothplates, NOS, is what these rare tubes are based upon. These have the G73R printed or hand lettered on the outside black shield coating, and were only available as spare parts for Agilent or H-P equipment. Critical use in hospital or aerospace test equipment demanded tubes with super low noise, and tightly controlled output, and these beauties deliver! The ultimate tube for tube mics and mic preamps! Very fine, very rare tubes, in great demand, especially this smoothplate version. All are the real deal, with the diamond mark in the bottom glass. These are rare matched pairs, with transconductance tightly controlled internally and from tube to tube. Incredibly accurate, the amazing sound image emerges out of a dead quiet background. Compare prices.....$175 LESS than ONE ECC802S, $445 less than a PAIR of ECC802S!!! The best of the best!! |
$299.00 per tube, $599.00 per pair |
out of stock |
MATCHED PAIRS 12AU7/ECC82 Telefunken made, Grass Insttruments medical grade YELLOW or white tip SELECTED TUBE MATCHED PAIR diamond mark, VERY RARE! |
New Old Stock in white boxes. These are the nearly extinct SELECTED TUBE that were selected by Grass Instruments for use in sensitive stages of ECG machines. The yellow or white tip identifies the tube as having passed intense quality screening for critical applications, higher rating than the red tips. Low noise and no microphonics were just two of the attributes to qualify these for exacting test and medical equipment use. These wonderful vintage tubes are vanishing at an alarming rate. A fantastic, long-lived tube with unequalled sound quality. These are hand selected and matched to within 2 percent transconductance. The cream of the crop, better get some now! SINGLE TUBES ARE $285.00 EACH. |
$575.00 per pair |
one white tip in stock |
MATCHED PAIRS 12AU7/ECC82 Telefunken, Grass Valley or Textronix medical grade RED and GREEN tip SELECTED TUBE MATCHED PAIR diamond mark, VERY RARE! |
New Old Stock in white boxes. These are the nearly extinct SELECTED TUBE that were selected by Grass Instruments or Tektronix for use in sensitive stages of ECG machines or test equipment. The red tip (and some manufacturers used green) identifies the tube as having passed intense quality screening for critical applications. Low noise and no microphonics were just two of the attributes to qualify these for exacting test and medical equipment use. These wonderful vintage tubes are vanishing at an alarming rate. A fantastic, long-lived tube with unequalled sound quality. These are hand selected and matched to within 2 percent transconductance. Both red tip and green tip type, and Tektronix selected tube label are usually available. They are the exact same grade tubes. The cream of the crop, better get some now! SINGLE TUBES ARE $225.00 EACH. |
$450.00 per pair |
in stock |
MATCHED PAIRS 12AU7/ECC82 Telefunken smooth plate, diamond mark, hand selected, curve trace matched and noise tested, VERY RARE! |
New Old Stock in white box or original boxes. Like the medical grade red tip listed above, but these are carefully screened on our own Tektronix 576 curve tracer and then noise tested on our proprietary noise test fixture. This careful and time consuming selection makes these tubes as sonically superior as the medical grade, at a cost savings. The Telefunken smooth plate is already a fantastic, long-lived tube with unequalled sound quality. These are a mix of labels, some are blank industrial stock and some are Mazda labeled, but all are Telefunken made diamond mark tubes. All of these "Hand Select" pairs are selected and matched to very tight plate current tolerance on the curve tracer, then tested at maximum gain for noise and microphonics. The cream of the crop, better get some now! Sold by the pair only. |
$299.00 per pair |
in Stock |
MATCHED PAIRS 12AU7/ECC82 Telefunken smooth plate, diamond mark, VERY RARE! |
New Old Stock in white box or original boxes. These wonderful vintage tubes are vanishing at an alarming rate. A fantastic, long-lived tube with unequalled sound quality. These are a mix of labels, some are blank industrial stock and others are Mazda labeled, but all are Telefunken made diamond mark tubes. These are hand selected and matched to within 2-3 percent transconductance. The cream of the crop, better get some now! CLIENT COMMENTS: "The CD player received two Sylvania labeled Mullard 5AR4s plus two matched pairs of 12AU7 Telefunkens. We started listening after 30 minutes of tube warm up, and we stopped 2 CD's later after saying WOW many times or even laughing since the improvement was almost unbelieveble. Thanks! W. R." |
$260.00 per pair |
in Stock |
12AU7/ECC82 Telefunken smooth plate, diamond mark, VERY RARE! |
New Old Stock in white box. This tube is fast becoming extinct! These are blank or Mazda labels. These are a mix of labels, Mosly Mazda or Belvu, all Telefunken made. All have the coveted Telefunken diamond mark. A fantastic, long-lived tube with unequalled sound quality. Priced per single tube. |
$130.00 |
in Stock |
MATCHED PAIRS 12AU7 / ECC82 Telefunken ribbed plate, diamond mark. |
New old stock, white box. The same tube as the smoothplate---own a classic for less! These came from the same batch as above. Hand selected and matched to within 2-3 percent transconductance. All have the diamond mark in the bottom glass, and are genuine Telefunken, although some have other brands on the label or blank organ stock. CLIENT COMMENTS: "I just wanted to report back regarding the ribbed plate Telefunken 12AU7 I purchased from you some time ago. I'm a bass player and recently purchased a Millennia TD-1 which I use in the studio for recording as well as for preamp in live performance. The TD-1 tube was a JJ ECC81. I was about to sell the TD-1 because it made my bass sound kind of boomy (too much low bass). Then I found the Telefunken I purchased from you and switched the tubes. Night and day difference. The muddiness is gone and the high end really sparkles. I am a very happy bass player. Thanks again! W.M." td> | $230.00 per pair |
in Stock |
12AU7 / ECC82 Telefunken ribbed plate, diamond mark. |
New old stock, white box. The same tube as the smoothplate---own a classic for less! These came from the same batch as above. Priced per single tube. |
$115.00 |
in Stock |
Tube |
MAZDA![]() "A Swiss Army knife of a tube, it has a top end to die for, yet has warmth and sweetness in the lower midrange. Plenty of punch in the upper mids and tight bass make this tube sound at home in guitar amps and the finest hi-fi systems alike." |
Price Each |
Quantity in Stock |
12AU7WA / 6189 (12AU7 premium type) TRIPLE MICA SILVER PLATE, selected type, 1960s, made in France |
New Old Stock, original Box. RARE, never before in stock! Silver plates, with the 3rd mica element at the top, these are factory selected tubes and are very rare. 1960s French military tubes, with the Mazda factory marks and the 6189 designation. These tubes are also hard to find in the USA. Excellent, military spec 1960s vintage long lived 12AU7 types with the distinct European vintage flavor that a modern tube just cannot capture! SINGLE TUBES, WHEN AVAILABLE, ARE $275.00. |
$550.00 per pair |
out of Stock |
12AU7S (12AU7 premium type)SILVER PLATE, selected type, 1960s, made in France |
New Old Stock, white Box. Silver plates, and standard 2 mica, these are factory selected tubes and are very rare. 1960s French military tubes. These tubes are also hard to find in the USA. Excellent, 1960s vintage long lived 12AU7 types with the distinct European vintage flavor that a modern tube just cannot capture! SINGLE TUBES, WHEN AVAILABLE, ARE $150.00. |
$150.00 |
out of Stock |
12AU7S (12AU7 premium type)selected type, 1960s, made in FranceMATCHED PAIRS |
New Old Stock, original Box. Grey plates, and standard 2 mica, these are factory selected tubes and are rare. 1960s French military tubes. These tubes are also hard to find in the USA. Excellent, 1960s vintage long lived 12AU7 types with the distinct European vintage flavor that a modern tube just cannot capture! Nicely matched pairs. SINGLE TUBES, WHEN AVAILABLE, ARE $90.00. |
$230.00 per pair |
out of Stock |
12AU7WA/H, 6189 (12AU7 premium type) Mazda made, 1960s, made in FranceMATCHED PAIRS |
New Old Stock, original Box. Grey ladder plates WA 1960s French military tubes. These tubes are also hard to find in the USA. Excellent, 1960s vintage long lived 12AU7 types with the distinct European vintage flavor that a modern tube just cannot capture! These gems rival the very costly 12AU7WA silver plate 3 mica! Nicely matched pairs. Some are labeled for Brimar. SINGLE TUBES, WHEN AVAILABLE, ARE $175.00. CLIENT COMMENTS: "Brent, these tubes are just what I was hoping for! Absolutely silent when music isn’t playing, and they’ve got a terrific depth to the soundstage. It’s the best sound I’ve heard from my Rogue RP-5. Quiet noise floor, soundstage has depth now, and instruments sound more natural. Dollars-to-sound, these tubes were the best upgrade I’ve ever made. Thank you! A.B." |
$350.00 per pair |
out of Stock |
6189 Mazda made BOX PLATES premium military industrial 12AU7, made in FranceMATCHED PAIRS |
New Old Stock, many in original Box. Made for RTC, these have the very rare box shaped plates like the British CV4003. These are like the WAH 1960s French military tubes in performance. These tubes are also hard to find in the USA. Excellent, vintage long lived 12AU7 types with the distinct European vintage flavor that a modern tube just cannot capture! Punchy, lively, wide soundstage, and just the right touch of tube warmth. Nicely matched pairs. SINGLE TUBES, WHEN AVAILABLE, ARE $100.00. |
$230.00 per pair |
out of STOCK |
12AU7 Mazda early pinched waist glass, made in FranceMATCHED PAIRS |
New old stock, original and white Box. Grey plates, like the famed military tubes but with the very rare indented lower glass (pinched waist) just above the bottom. These are also hard to find in the USA, the pinched waist was rarely produced. Excellent, long lived 12AU7 types with the distinct European vintage flavor that a modern tube just cannot capture! These have the sweetness and dynamic punch typical of Mazda silver plate tubes, and the pinched bottom glass makes for lower microphonics and better sonic image. Nicely matched pairs, very rare with limited stock. SINGLE TUBES ARE $175 EACH. |
$350.00 per pair |
In stock |
12AU7 Mazda made for Dario Miniwatt and others, ladder plates, 1960s, made in FranceMATCHED PAIRS |
New Old Stock, original Box. Grey ladder (ribbed) plates, and standard 2 mica, these are factory selected tubes for Dario Miniwattt and other labels and are rare. They are 1960s dated with the F factory mark of Mazda La Radiotechnique of Suresnes, France. These tubes are also hard to find in the USA. Excellent, 1960s vintage long lived 12AU7 types with the distinct European vintage flavor that a modern tube just cannot capture! Nicely matched pairs. SINGLE TUBES, WHEN AVAILABLE, ARE $115.00. |
$230.00 per pair |
in Stock |
12AU7 Mazda greyplate, 1960s, made in FranceMATCHED PAIRS |
New old stock, original and white Box. Grey plates, very similar to the very rare Mazda silver plate tubes. A steal at this price! These are also hard to find in the USA. Excellent, 1960s vintage long lived 12AU7 types with the distinct European vintage flavor that a modern tube just cannot capture! These have the sweetness and dynamic punch typical of Mazda. Nicely matched pairs. SOME SINGLE TUBES ARE IN STOCK, $99.00 EACH. Some pairs labeled for Philips, Dario, or Mazda/Belvu, all are Mazda France factory marked, early 1960s. CLIENT COMMENTS: "The Rogue sounds totally smoking, by the way. The extended top end of the Mazda tubes is so lovely and involving. It's like a different amp. I don't know why changing tubes makes such a difference, but I'll never again doubt that it can. Thanks! J.R." ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: "Hi Brent, I just wanted to drop you a note to say thanks for recommending these Mazda 12AU7 tubes for my Rogue RH-5 headphone amp. This is the first time I've "rolled" tubes, and I'm not sure what degree of improvement I expected, but this upgrade is amazing. The amp has gone from excellent to sublime. Musicality, nuance, and soundstaging are off the charts! Regards, J. C." MORE: "Brent, I ordered a pair of Mazda 12au7's, they arrived and I installed them the following day, ran them for 48 hours over the course of 4 days and let me tell you when I sat down to do some listening after break in they just filled the room with music. I could not believe how the speakers literally disappeared and the music was all engulfing. I do not know the appropriate lingo to explain what the bride and I heard but we listened to Dido through a Blue Node, MQF files, tidal, running through a Rogue Atlas and a Rogue RP-1 Pre amp and a pair of Klipsch Forte III's the sound was just exquisite. Her voice just warmly and crystal clear lit the place up....I just wanted to say thank you, I had no idea that 2 tubes could do what I have experienced. Best, C. G." EVEN MORE COMMENTS: "Hi Brent, Just to let you know the Mazda tubes made their way safely here. As I usually do i put them in just to make sure they are ok but not expecting much as they usually take some time to come into their own. Out of the box these tubes sounded very mature. Within the first minute i was thoroughly impressed on how they sounded: Top end is open and crystal clear. You can hear the most subtle detail. I own NOS Brimars and highly regarded NOS Mullards and they dont even come close to what I heard on the Mazda. Bass is rich but i assume this is where the most improvement will happen with time. Just wanted to share, i rarely do, but you were right in my wheelhouse with these. Dont hesitate to recommend should you come accross more beautiful finds. Thanks again, E.M." PEOPLE LOVE THESE TUBES: "Thank you so much for the recommendation of the Mazda 12 AU7’s. What a wonderful tube. They made an immediate impression and seem to be a great replacement for my old Bugle Boy 7316’s. All the best, M.L." |
$199.00 per pair |
in Stock |
Tube |
MULLARD![]() "When it comes to warmth, no other tube can top this jewel from the British crown. Silky highs, a liquid midrange, and awesome deep bass give this tube its deserved reputation for warmth and full sonics." |
Price Each |
Quantity in Stock |
B749 / 12AU7 Genalex Gold Lion Reissue, Great Britain. |
New Old Stock original Box. Beautiful reissue of the early 1960s Genalex Gold Lion series tubes, with the gold lion on the glass, these were low noise screened for demanding industrial or audiophile use. Some say these were the best 12AU7 ever, and these have been carefully factory noise tested, with a 10,000 hour rated heater. Thanks to the Russian invasion, these have virtually vanished. Pair price is $150.00, single is $75.00. We only have a single! |
$75.00 |
out of stock |
12AU7 Mullard Medical Grade series, LONG PLATE SQUARE GETTER, red tip, Great Britain, MATCHED PAIR. |
New Old Stock White Box. The rarest of the Mullard rare medical grade selected tubes are these long plate square getters! Finding long plate square getters is difficult enough, but to find them as aftermarket selected medical red tips is almost impossible. The first pair I have found in 25 years! Beautiful old Mullard ECC82 types SELECTED TUBES in the famous "red tip" or Tekronix Selected Checked Tube series, these were low noise screened for demanding industrial or medical use. Some say these are the best 12AU7 ever, and these have been carefully factory noise tested, essentially military spec. PRICED PER PAIR. SINGLES ARE $350. |
$699.00 |
out of stock |
12AU7 Mullard 10M series, 1960s yellow label, Great Britain. |
New Old Stock original Box. Beautiful old Mullard ECC82 types SELECTED TUBES in the famous 10M series, clear 10M labels, these were low noise screened for demanding industrial or audiophile use. Some say these are the best 12AU7 ever, and these have been carefully factory noise tested, with a 10,000 hour rated heater. MATCHED PAIRS ARE $700.00 PER PAIR. Also available is the limited production Mullard yellow label 12AU7, only made for 1 year. Get some while you can and hear the quality yourself! PRICED PER SINGLE TUBE. |
$350.00 |
out of stock |
12AU7 Mullard Medical Grade series, red tip or Tektronix Selected, Great Britain. |
New Old Stock White Box. Beautiful old Mullard ECC82 types SELECTED TUBES in the famous "red tip" or Tekronix Selected Checked Tube series, these were low noise screened for demanding industrial or medical use. Some say these are the best 12AU7 ever, and these have been carefully factory noise tested, essentially military spec. MATCHED PAIRS ARE $425.00 PER PAIR. Get some while you can and hear the quality yourself! PRICED PER SINGLE TUBE. |
$199.00 |
in stock |
CV491 military 12AU7 Mullard 1960s. |
New Old Stock. VERY rare 1960s military CV491 type, with the military CV491 / 12AU7 and 12AU7 Mullard labels. These are incredible tubes with a fine soundstage, clean top end with a touch of midrange warmth. Like the famed CV4003 but with more layers of detail and more delicate. Blackburn factory codes. Rare. MATCHED PAIRS, ARE $375.00 PER PAIR AND SINGLE TUBES, WHEN AVAILABLE, ARE $175.00 EACH. |
$375.00 per pair |
out of Stock |
5814A military 12AU7 Mullard |
New Old Stock original box. Mullard labels, most are black plates. These are incredible tubes with a fine soundstage, clean top end with a touch of midrange warmth. Like the famed CV4003 but with more layers of detail and more delicate. Rare. Single tubes are $150.00. MATCHED PAIRS, ARE $299.00 PER PAIR. |
$299.00 per pair |
one tube in Stock |
12AU7 Mullard longplates, square getter, 1950s vintage, Great Britain. VERY RARE. |
New Old Stock White Box and original box. Some shield logo types, some are the old white label pre- shield logo version. These are all the older long narrow plate version, with the rare early SQUARE top getter, with the 1950s date code. These are incredible tubes with a fine soundstage, clean top end with a touch of midrange warmth. Rare and becoming extinct. These can still be found at times, but are fast vanishing!! Priced per single tube. MATCHED PAIRS, ARE $425.00 PER PAIR. CLIENT COMMENTS: "Hi Brent, I received the tube and it now has 48hrs on it. It really gives the stereo power, drive, and bottom end. It also does a good job with tone. My stereo almost never produces that kind of bass where you feel it spreading out on your floor and wrapping around you at the listening position but on a few songs I'm now getting this with the Mullard. D.H." |
$210.00 |
one in Stock |
12AU7 Mullard longplates, halo getter, Great Britain. |
New Old Stock White Box and original box. Some shield logo types, some are the old white label pre- shield logo version. These are all the older long narrow plate 1950s version, most with the same date code. These are incredible tubes with a fine soundstage, clean top end with a touch of midrange warmth. Rare. Priced per single tube, MATCHED PAIRS ARE $299.00! |
$149.00 |
out of Stock |
12AU7 Mullard shield logo, early white label, or 1960s made for other labels, Great Britain. |
New Old Stock White Box. Beautiful old Mullard ECC82 types, various labels, all are 1960s date coded, Blackburn, UK factory. Some say these are the best 12AU7 ever, and these have been carefully factory noise tested. Get some while you can and hear the quality yourself! MATCHED PAIRS ARE JUST $180.00, SINGLES ARE $90! This latest stock is from Europe and have Amperex, RTC, Philips and other OEM labels, all are Blackburn UK Mullard factory date coded. CLIENT COMMMENTS: "Brent, A quick note of feedback. I replaced the JJ's with the Mullards you sent. Wow. Just wow. No more white noise following warmup. And they sound sweet. Rich. Warm. This took a very good amp to a great amp. Thank you very much for your knowledgeable recommendation and quick shipping. S.D." MORE CLIENT COMMENTS: "Hey Brent, Just had to tell you the matched Mullard 12AU7 tubes in my Rogue Sphinx integrated Amp is freaking amazing now thanks to you. I could never have imagined that upgrading the stock tubes would have such a definitive improvement along the entire frequency spectrum. Many thanks, J.S." STILL MORE: "Well I must say, playing my Dyno Rhodes through the LA-1A with these NOS tubes has blown away any expectations I had about what audible improvement I would hear. The smoothness, the sweetness and the sound stage is just incredible - the sound is so sensual! What I didn’t expect was the extraordinary level of intimacy that the sound now has… incredible! Its so focused and present in a way I’ve never heard any of my keyboards sound. There’s a new level of detail and delicacy… wow! The original tubes in the LA-1A gave my piano a warmth it never had before… but now with these NOS tubes, it’s another quantum jump in sound quality. B.F." MORE COMMENTS: "Dear Brent, I just wanted to thank you for your helpful advice and for the Telefunken and Mullard OEM tubes. They have made a very significant difference even though they are not yet broken in: greater tonal accuracy, detail, clarity and spaciousness. Piano in particular now sounds rich and resonant, and I can hear sustained notes clearly under the melody. I confess I was a bit skeptical about NOS tubes and whether or not I would hear a difference but I'm a believer now. Thanks again, H.K." |
$180.00 per pair |
in stock |
CV4003 / M8136 / 12AU7WA Mullard boxplates, Great BritainMATCHED PAIR |
New Old Stock white box. This is a nice rare vintage British military 12AU7 boxplate tube, with the outstanding Mullard quality. Very scarce in the USA, but worth seeking out! Some with OEM labels, some M logo and others shield logo. SINGLE TUBES ARE $125.00. |
$250.00 per pair |
out of Stock |
6067 RARE Brimar made "yellow T series", LONGPLATE, Old Logo. Fine 1950s vintage tube. |
New Old Stock white box. Brimar UK made with the Brimar factory coding on the glass, with the very scarce "Yellow T" decal on the glass, and long plates. The yellow T series were industrial/avionics grade tubes, they make subperb audio tubes. These are very rare in the USA. Similar sonics to the rare Mullard longplates. |
$400.00 per pair |
out of Stock |
12AU7 RARE Brimar made, 1960s cleartop, Old Logo. Fine 1960s vintage tube. |
New Old Stock white box. Brimar UK made with the Brimar factory coding on the glass, and the rare clear tops with side getters. These are very rare in the USA. Similar sonics to the rare Mullard longplates. Single tubes are $100.00. |
$200.00 per pair |
out of Stock |
CV4003 / 12AU7 RARE Brimar or Mullard made longplate, Old white Logo. Fine 1960s vintage tube. |
New Old Stock original box. Brimar UK made with the Brimar factory coding on the glass, and the rare long grey plates. These are very rare in the USA. Similar sonics to the rare Mullard longplates. Singles are $100. |
$200.00 per pair |
out of stock |
Tube |
AMPEREX / PHILIPS![]() "Sweet without being syrupy, these Dutch treats are perfectly at home right between the top end detail of the German tubes and the rich bass of the Mullard and RCA tubes. They have a bit of both, and pull it off with a sophisticated top end air and image. No wimps, these tubes, for they can rock with the best of them in a guitar amp, too." |
Price Each |
Quantity in Stock |
7316 Selected Grade early Amperex/Philips made, military avionics grade, RARE 1950s D-GETTER, original Holland made. |
New Old Stock Original Box. A few more in stock! Ultra-rare low noise tubes. Probably one of the top three rarest and finest 12AU7 tubes ever made. Made exclusively for industrial, aircraft, and medical use, they had to be low noise to meet the requirements of the equipment they were used in. These were intended for military aircraft equipment use, Beckman Instruments label. These are the very rare D-getter late 1950s date coded originals from Holland. These are specially selected tubes, among the rarest ever to come out of the Holland factory. Selected for critical low noise industrial/aircraft and hospital/medical equipment use they make the most jaw-dropping 3D sounding audio tubes you have ever heard. Superior to the standard 1950s long plates, and well worth the extra price. Priced per single tube. MATCHED PAIRS ARE $750.00 PER PAIR. |
$375.00 |
out of Stock |
7316 Selected Grade early Amperex/Philips, large halo getter, origina l Holland made. |
New Old Stock original box. MORE just in! Ultra-rare low noise 12AU7 tubes. These are the large halo getter 1960s date coded originals from Holland. These are specially selected audio grade / instrumentation grade tubes from the early 1960s, among the rarest ever to come out of the Holland factory. Nice instrument grade tubes made for Beckman currently in stock. You may never go back to a standard 12AU7 after you hear these! Quality is close to the very rare longplates, yet at a lower price. Priced per single tube. MATCHED PAIRS ARE $550.00 PER PAIR. |
$275.00 |
out of Stock |
E80CC / 6085 (12AU7 compatible), Amperex Holland made for various labels, RARE PINCHED WAIST, D-GETTER, gold pins. |
New Old Stock white Box. Fabulous original 1950s vintage early Philips GOLD PIN tubes similar in specs to the 12AU7, with a bit more gain. Ultra low noise thanks to the RARE pinched waist glass bottle, large box plates, and matched triode sections. Very nice pairs of rare Holland tubes that will work wherever a 12AU7 tube is called for! Some audiophiles say this tube sounds better than any 12AU7 they have ever heard. This tube is about twice as tall as a 12AU7 tube. A mellow and awesome substitute for the phase inverter tube in guitar amps that have a PI tube! All are Philips SQ "Special Quality" production although some are labeled for Dario Miniwatt. Priced per single tube. MATCHED PAIRS ARE $399.00. The only place on the Internet for these scarce Holland tubes, come and get 'em!! | $199.00 |
out of stock |
E80CC / 6085 (12AU7 compatible), Amperex or Philips label, RARE, gold pins. |
New Old Stock white Box. Fabulous original 1960s vintage early Amperex GOLD PIN tubes similar in specs to the 12AU7, with a bit more gain. Ultra low noise thanks to the large box plates, matched triode sections. Very nice pairs of rare Amperex label tubes that will work wherever a 12AU7 tube is called for! Some audiophiles say this tube sounds better than any 12AU7 they have ever heard. This tube is about twice as tall as a 12AU7 tube. A mellow and awesome substitute for the phase inverter tube in guitar amps that have a PI tube! All are Philips SQ "Special Quality" production although some are labeled for Dario Miniwatt. MATCHED PAIRS ARE $199.00. The lowest price on the Internet for these scarce tubes, come and get 'em!! | $99.00 |
in stock |
12AU7 Amperex LONG PLATE D-GETTER Holland type SELECTED TUBE OR RED TIP MATCHED PAIR, made for Tektronix, Honeywell, or Grass Valley Medical, Holland made. |
New Old Stock in white box. This is the very rare medical grade Amperex EARLY TYPE long plate D-getter 12AU7 that was special selected for use in medical equipment, so indicated by the red or white painted tips. Very well made, super-low noise tubes. These are 1957-1958 vintage with "Amperex" in script on the glass, and the red paint tops (1 is white tip). These are from Holland, and went through extensive aftermarket screening by the above instrumentation manufacturers for use as replacement tube stock in their equipment. Ultra low noise, uniform output, and balanced triodes make these the rarest of the rare medical grade tubes. These compare with the long plate 7316 at a lower price! MATCHED PAIRS ARE $500.00, single tbes are $250.00. |
$500.00 per pair |
out of stock |
12AU7 LONGPLATE Amperex mCp bottom marked white label early Amperex/Philips, tilted D-getter with foil strip, original Holland made. |
New Old Stock White Box. Very well made, low noise tubes. These are the pre 1956 tilted D shape getter with the foil strip across the back, originals from Holland, and are the early longplate versions. These have the Holland date code on the bottom of the tube. Matched pairs when available, $299.00 per pair. |
$150.00 |
out of Stock |
12AU7 LONGPLATE Amperex Bugle Boy Logo or white label/OEM label, early Amperex/Philips, D-getter with foil strip, original Holland made. |
New Old Stock original and White Box. LARGE STOCK JUST IN! Very well made, low noise tubes. These are the D shape getter with the foil strip across the back, originals from Holland, and are the early longplate versions. Most have the Bugle Boy logo, and 1956 to 1959 date codes, all with the Heerlen, Holland factory code. Matched pairs when available, $260.00 per pair. |
$130.00 |
in Stock |
12AU7 Amperex Holland type SELECTED TUBE OR RED TIP MATCHED PAIR, made for Tektronix, Honeywell, Hewlett-Packard or Grass Instruments, Holland made. |
New Old Stock original Tektronix pair Box and white box. Very well made, super-low noise tubes. 1960s Bugle Boy vintage tubes, further enhanced by extensive Tektronix testing for low noise, with silver Tektronix label, Honeywell or Hewlett-Packard label, or red painted tips, and selected quality for critical applications in Tektronix test equipment. These are from Holland, not the later versions from Great Britain or USA. SINGLE TUBES ARE $150.00 EACH. MATCHED PAIRS ARE $300.00. |
$300.00 per pair |
in stock |
12AU7 Amperex Bugle Boy Logo, RARE TREBLE CLEF LOGO, original Holland made. |
New Old Stock original and White Box. MORE JUST IN! These are the very rare early Bugle Boy tubes made for audio use, and screened for low noise and low microphonics. They have a treble clef on the label next to the Bugle Boy logo. Only made from 1959 to about 1963, the were the best Amperex 12AX7 the average consumer could get at the time. The only better tubes were the medical grade which were not sold to the general public. Very well made, low noise tubes, with the original Bugle Boy on the label. These are the originals from Holland, rare today and worth grabbing some now before they are gone. MATCHED PAIRS ARE $250.00 PER PAIR. |
$125.00 |
out of stock |
12AU7 Amperex Bugle Boy Logo, original Holland made. |
New Old Stock original and White Box. Very well made, low noise tubes, with the original Bugle Boy on the label. These are the originals from Holland, not the later versions from Great Britain. Priced per single tube. MATCHED PAIRS ARE $229.00 PER PAIR. CLIENT COMMMENTS: "Hi Brent, Just wanted to let you know that I received the tubes you sent yesterday afternoon and installed them into my preamp last evening. Tubes arrived in great shape and are working perfectly. In a word, wow! Over the last few months I have made some tweaks to my system that rendered some noticeable but subtle changes. So I really tempered my expectations of what these new tubes might deliver. In short I will say that I am blown away! On several well-known tracks, the new sound literally had the hair standing up on my arms! The Bugle Boys are winners….very well balanced and deliver depth across the spectrum with a rock solid soundstage. Thanks for your patience and help, I am one happy camper right now. Best regards, /Mike" MORE CLIENT COMMENTS: "I wanted to personally thank you for your advice on upgrading my Rogue Audio Ares. I just can't believe what a huge difference the Bugle Boys made in my system. I am so grateful for your recommendations. That was the best $400 upgrade to my system that I've ever made. Sincerely, J.D.S." MORE CLIENT COMMENTS: "I purchased an Amperex 12AU7 Bugle at the end of July on your recommendation, for a Vincent PHO 701 Phono Preamplifier, that I was waiting for on back-order I changed the tube to the Amperex 12AU7 Bugle Boy; WOW what a difference! It brought the Vincent to life! It has phenomenal open soundstage, beautiful silky highs, and midrange, nice tight mid-bass for my cartridge Thank you so much for taking my enjoyment of music to a new level without shattering the bank You hit the right note! A. C." MORE CLIENT COMMENTS: "Hey Brent- You were sure right! I had borrowed a nice quad of clear tops and really enjoyed them this weekend. Then (your) bugle boys came and they are a very large degree better spatially and tonally. Thanks so much. I'll be in touch for a quad of 12ax7s soon. D.C." |
$109.00 |
out of stock |
12AU7 Amperex Bugle Boy BUTT UGLY, Amperex Heerlen Holland factory code, UGLY, CRAPPY LABELS, original 1960s tubes. |
New Old Stock White Box. These are the originals from Holland, however they are just....well....goddamn BUTT UGLY!! Most have partial to no labels. They test NOS and were made in the same Heerlen factory , and at the same time as the pretty Bugle Boy tubes, but these could stop a clock. Save big over the pretty Bugle Boy label tubes and still get fantastic Bugle Boy quality! Priced per single tube, double for a matched pair. Get off your butt and try some! | 75.00 |
out of stock |
12AU7 Amperex MEDICAL GRADE made for Tektronix, original Holland made. |
New Old Stock White Box. 12AU7 Holland made tubes (same factory as the Bugleboy) produced and screened for critical use in medical and industrila test equipment. These are labelled with Tektronix matched pair part number labels over the Amperex labels. In audio use they are very quiet, dynamic, and very engaging to listen to. Medical grade tubes are very rare. Priced per single tube. MATCHED PAIRS ARE $300.00. |
$150.00 |
out of stock |
12AU7 Amperex Bugle Boy type, Amperex Holland components, assembeled in India by BEL Electronics (a Dutch Philips/Amperex owned factory), original 1960s. MATCHED PAIRS JUST $109.00 PER PAIR! |
New Old Stock, original BEL box. Very well made, low noise tubes. These are basically a Bugle Boy tube made from Holland components and then assembeled in India at an Amperex owned factory. Sonically the same as the much more costly Bugle Boy Holland tubes! Save big over the Bugle Boy label tubes and still get fantastic Bugle Boy quality! Priced per single tube. CLIENT COMMENTS: "Wow, great-sounding tube....Love the detail. Thx for the recommendation. J.G." | 49.00 |
Single tubes in stock |
12AU7 Amperex Bugle Boy type, Amperex Heerlen Holland factory code, blank label or Amperex white label or made for Dario, Philips, Adzam, Gulbranson, Eico, and others, original 1960s. MATCHED PAIRS JUST $175.00 PER PAIR! |
New Old Stock original box and White Box. Very well made, low noise tubes. These are the originals from Holland, made in the same Heerlen factory, and at the same time as the Bugle Boy tubes, but labeled for other brands. Save big over the Bugle Boy label tubes and still get fantastic Bugle Boy quality! Priced per single tube. CLIENT COMMENTS: "Wow, great-sounding tube....Love the detail. Thx for the recommendation. J.G." | 80.00 |
in stock |
CV491 military 12AU7 Amperex Holland made, standard plates. |
New Old Stock white box. VERY rare military CV491 type, with the military CV491 and Heerlen, Holland factory codes on the glass. These are both labeled for Valvo. These are incredible tubes with a fine soundstage, clean top end with a touch of midrange warmth. Like the famed CV4003 but with more layers of detail and more delicate. Rare. MATCHED PAIRS, ARE $299.00 PER PAIR. |
$299.00 per pair |
out of stock |
12AU7 Amperex orange world logo, Holland |
New Old Stock original Box. A very reliable, long life tube, with the sweet Amperex sound. MATCHED PAIRS ARE $119.00! CLIENT COMMMENTS: "...Man, I have to say, my amp now sounds like a tube amp. The mids and upper frequencies are smooth with a silky top end. This tube seems fast too. From Diana Krall to Niel Young and even the Tijuana Brass, I was amazed at the sound. There were things in the mix I never noticed before. My Heresy's sound fabulous now too. Thanks for your help in supplying me with the right tube for the job. G.P." |
$59.00 |
in Stock |
12AU7 / ECC82 Philips made longplate, Italy or Brazil. |
New Old Stock White Box. Similar to Amperex, but harder to find in the USA. These are all long greyplates with a top ring getter and the old white Daystrom label, or Miniwatt label. Made at the Philips factory in Correza, Italy or Sao Paulo, Brazil. |
$42.00 |
In Stock |
Tube |
SIEMENS / SIEMENS UND HALSKE / VALVO![]() "A detailed, airy sounding tube that makes you think "Telefunken". But wait, there's more! Siemens and Valvo both have lower midrange body and a little wetness that make this one seductive sounding tube." |
Price Each |
Quantity in Stock |
ECC802S (premium12AU7/ECC82) Siemens, low noise frame grid, VERY RARE! |
New Old Stock. One single gold pin labeled 5814A Siemens made is in stock. These are the nearly extinct frame grid type ultra low noise ECC802S. This identifies the tube as having passed intense quality screening for critical applications in hospital, avionics, and industrial equipment. Low noise and no microphonics were just two of the attributes to qualify these for exacting test and medical equipment use. These wonderful vintage tubes are vanishing at an alarming rate. A fantastic, long-lived tube with unequalled sound quality. You can spend more on high end speaker cables, and you will not get the sonic improvement these tubes offer! The cream of the crop and I rarely have these in stock, better get some now! SINGLE TUBES, WHEN AVAILABLE, ARE $400.00 EACH. |
$900.00 per pair |
out of stock |
12AU7/E82CC Siemens made long plate type, Siemens factory code, VERY RARE! |
New Old Stock in white box, some are labeled for Telefunken. This tube is fast becoming extinct! Seldom seen 12AU7 Siemens made longplates, a rare find! A fantastic, long-lived tube with unequalled sound quality. MATCHED PAIRS ARE $400.00 |
$200.00 |
in stock |
12AU7 / ECC82 Valvo long plate type, made in Germany |
New Old Stock White Box. White label most Valvo, some various brands, grey plates, very similar to the Telefunken ribbed plate tubes. These are the early type with the longer plates, they sound fantastic! These are also hard to find in the USA. Some made for various brands of amps and have various labels, but the same tube as the Valvo branded. MATCHED PAIRS, WHEN AVAILABLE, ARE $400.00 PER PAIR. |
$200.00 |
1 tube in stock |
Watch a brief video of rare German 12AU7 vacuum tubes, featuring the legendary Siemens Nickel Plate! |
Click on screen at left. |
-- |
ECC82 / 12AU7 Siemens RARE nickel plates, MEDICAL GRADE RED TIP, made in GermanyMATCHED PAIRS |
New Old Stock White Box. MORE JUST IN! RARE bright nickel plates, aftermarket selected by Grass Instruments for hospital equipment. These are VERY hard to find in the USA, especially these rare birds. Excellent, long lived 12AU7 types with sonics similar to the much more expensive and rare Telefunken ECC802S goldpin! These have the distinct European vintage flavor, and a phono-grade low noise floor, that a modern tube just cannot capture! Audiophiles rave about these nickel plate versions, and they are getting very scarce. Nicely matched pair, ONE PAIR ONLY! |
$900.00 per pair |
out of stock |
ECC82 / 12AU7 Siemens RARE nickel plates, made in GermanyMATCHED PAIRS, NEW LOWER PRICE! |
New Old Stock White Box and Sonotone box. MORE JUST IN! White Siemens, Sonotone or Telefunken label, with the RARE bright nickel plates. These are VERY hard to find in the USA. Excellent, long lived 12AU7 types with sonics similar to the much more expensive and rare Telefunken ECC802S goldpin! These have the distinct European vintage flavor, and a phono-grade low noise floor, that a modern tube just cannot capture! Audiophiles rave about these nickel plate versions, and they are getting very scarce. Nicely matched pairs, sometimes these are called ECC82 Siemens chrome plate or ECC82 Siemens silver plate. Some were made for Telefunken. Single tubes, when available, are $285.00 each. 1 single red tip medical grade in stock, $450.00!! |
$580.00 per pair |
out of stock |
E82CC / 12AU7WA (12AU7 premium type) Siemens made, TRIPLE MICA, made in GermanyMATCHED PAIRS |
New Old Stock original Box. White label, grey plates, very similar to the Telefunken ribbed plate tubes. These are also hard to find in the USA. Excellent, long lived military spec 12AU7 types with the hard to find Triple Mica construction and the distinct European vintage flavor that a modern tube just cannot capture! Nicely matched pairs. Single tubes are $109.00 each. ALSO IN STOCK, 3 MICA 5814A!! |
$218.00 per pair |
one tube in stock |
CV491 / ECC82 / 6189 / 5814A (12AU7 premium type) Siemens, made in GermanyMATCHED PAIRS |
New Old Stock original Box. White military label, grey smooth plates, very similar to the Telefunken smooth plate tubes. These are also hard to find in the USA. Excellent, long lived 12AU7 types with the distinct European vintage flavor that a modern tube just cannot capture! Nicely matched pairs. One pair is Lorenz/ITT labeled CV492. SINGLE TUBES ARE $100.00. |
$200.00 per pair |
out of stock |
12AU7 / ECC82 Valvo rare tilted getter type, made in Germany |
New Old Stock White Box. White label various brands, grey plates, very similar to the Telefunken ribbed plate tubes. These are the early type with the 45 degree angle tilt to the top getter, they sound fantastic! These are also hard to find in the USA. Some made for various brands of amps and have various labels, but the same tube as the Valvo branded. MATCHED PAIRS, WHEN AVAILABLE, ARE $150.00 PER PAIR. |
$75.00 |
in stock |
12AU7 / ECC82 Siemens or Valvo, made in Germany |
New Old Stock White Box. White label, grey plates, very similar to the Telefunken ribbed plate tubes. These are also hard to find in the USA. Some made for various brands of amps and have various labels, but the same tube as the Siemens branded. MATCHED PAIRS, WHEN AVAILABLE, ARE $80.00 PER PAIR. |
$40.00 |
in stock |
Tube |
OTHER EUROPEAN BRANDS"A mix of vintage glass with German tube sonics with the Lorentz, Ei, Tesla, and Tungsram. A few others also, to make tube rolling interesting. Priced right for the undecided." |
Price Each |
Quantity in Stock |
ECC802S MATCHED PAIRS (premium12AU7/ECC82) Tesla, low noise frame grid, MATCHED PAIR diamond mark, VERY RARE! |
New Old Stock. Superb old Tesla tubes with the yellow Czechoslovakia label. These are the nearly extinct frame grid type ultra low noise ECC802S. This identifies the tube as having passed intense quality screening for critical applications in hospital, avionics, and industrial equipment. Low noise and no microphonics were just two of the attributes to qualify these for exacting test and medical equipment use. Nearly identical in sonics and quality to the equally rare Telefunken version. These wonderful vintage tubes are vanishing at an alarming rate. A fantastic, long-lived tube with unequalled sound quality. These are hand selected and matched to within 2 percent transconductance. You can spend more on high end speaker cables, and you will not get the sonic improvement these tubes offer! The cream of the crop and I rarely have these in stock, better get some now! SINGLE TUBES, WHEN AVAILABLE, ARE $450.00 EACH. |
$900.00 per pair |
out of stock |
12AU7 Matsushita Japan early 1960s, halo getter, Great Britain. |
New Old Stock original box. The Matsushita factory was set up by Mullard, and these early Japan tubes sound British indeed These are incredible tubes with a fine soundstage, clean top end with a touch of midrange warmth. Rare. Priced per single tube, MATCHED PAIRS ARE $190.00! |
$89.00 |
in Stock |
12AU7 / ECC82 Ei smoothplate, made for Philips |
New Old Stock original Box. Late 1960s vintage, made in the former Yugoslavia on the original Telefunken equipment. Long grey smooth plates, very similar to the Telefunken smooth plate tubes. These are also hard to find in the USA. Sonics are also similar to the much more costly Telefunken. MATCHED PAIRS, WHEN AVAILABLE, ARE $150.00 PER PAIR. |
$70.00 |
In stock |
12AU7 / ECC82 Tungsram EARLY 1950s DUAL FOIL DISC GETTER, made in Austria |
New Old Stock White Box. 1950s vintage, yellow label, long grey plates. Extremely rare first generation of the Tungsram 12AU7 tube. They have small dual foil disc top getters, which make a very dark and large top getter flashing. Those lucky enough to have tried these rave about their smooth, natural clarity of sound. These are also hard to find in the USA. MATCHED PAIRS, WHEN AVAILABLE, ARE $300.00 PER PAIR. |
$150.00 |
one tube in stock |
12AU7 / ECC82 Tungsram EARLY SQUARE GETTER, made in Austria |
New Old Stock White Box. 1950s-1960s vintage, yellow label, long grey plates, very similar to the Telefunken ribbed plate tubes. These are also hard to find in the USA. Rare early square top getter. MATCHED PAIRS, WHEN AVAILABLE, ARE $150.00 PER PAIR. |
$70.00 |
In stock |
12AU7 / ECC82 Tungsram, made in Germany or Austria |
New Old Stock White Box. 1960s vintage, white or yellow label, wide getter support, grey plates, sound very similar to the Telefunken ribbed plate tubes. These are also hard to find in the USA. Some made for National, or various brands of amps, but the same tube as the Tungsram branded. MATCHED PAIRS, WHEN AVAILABLE, ARE $100.00 PER PAIR. |
$50.00 |
In stock |
6680 / 12AU7 RSD made for AMC and others |
New Old Stock in original box. Low noise industrial stock, hard to find. A nice German tube from the 1970s at a great price! These sound nice in hi-fi systems as well as guitar amps and studio equipment. These are RSD and other various labeled. MATCHED PAIRS ARE $80.00! |
$40.00 |
in stock |
Tube |
RCA![]() "The RCA is the King of rock and roll tubes, without equal. From their throaty growl in 1960s guitar amps, to the slam and detail of the cleartops, to the sparkle and warmth of the blackplates in a hi-fi, these tubes have it all. Warmth approaching that of the Mullard, this tube is truly a Jack-of-all-Trades and at home in almost any application." |
Price Each |
Quantity in Stock |
12AU7 RCA early greyplates, BLOWOUT SALE! Organ stock. |
New Old Stock white box. These are the very first generation of RCA greyplates, made for replacement service in electronic organs. Most are blank label. These predate both the cleartop types and also those with the orange label. MATCHED PAIRS ARE $35.00! Blackplate quality at a bargain price! |
$15.00 |
in stock |
Medical or Lab Grade 12AU7 RCA made for Tektronix, L&N, Sperry Gyroscope, H-P, Sanborn and Honeywell, SPECIAL MATCHED PAIRS |
New Old Stock Original Box and white box. More stock just in! A great tube that rivals West Europe types. This is the finest, made for Tektronix, Sanborn, L&N, or Honeywell in the 1960s, and carefully screened for use in critical circuits of test, hospital, and industrial equipment. Each comes with the Tektronix black and silver label and box, or Honeywell/L&N part number around the tube and/or on the original box. Aftermarket screened by the test equipment maker for ultra low noise and uniform output in both triodes. Wonderfully balanced in audio use, with airy highs, midrange warmth, and accurate bass. As good as the various European 1960s "Selected Tube" at a much lower price! SINGLE TUBES ARE $150.00 EACH. Some are labeled 5963. CLIENT COMMENTS:"Hi Brent...Just installed the medical grade RCA 12AU7A cleartop selects in the preamp stage and my quad el34 monoblocks sound incredible. I moved the military grade RCA 5814A black plates (from you) to the phase inverter stage and everything “opened up” with the cleartops. Classical, opera, classic rock, and industrial all sound amazing. I always wondered about the mythical love of the RCA cleartops...now I know why. Well worth the price! Thank you! J.Y." |
$299.00 per pair |
one tube in stock |
5814A or 6189 Premium industrial grade 12AU7, or Command Series 5814A, RCA JRC military, blackplate. |
New Old Stock in white boxes. MORE just in!! A really fine military grade blackplate of the 12AU7 family, made by RCA for the military. The early type blackplate 5814A of RCA tubes are very scarce, as they were not available to the general public, but are well worth the search. These are exactly the same electrical characteristics as the 12AU7 and can be used with improved results in any application calling for a 12AU7 or ECC82. Excellent quality that lasts. Some are 2 mica military 6189 or 5814A label, some are 2 mica Command Series. MATCHED PAIRS $199.00 PER PAIR! CLIENT COMMENTS: "Brent, The RCA 5814A tubes arrived. Even after a dozen hours of warm up they are sounding terrific. Thanks for the recommendation. Another veil in that fan dance that audiophiles are entranced by has dropped. Was up late last night glued to my seat (when I wasn’t changing records. ;-) J.T." |
$99.00 |
in Stock |
5814A RCA Premium industrial grade 12AU7, or military stock, blackplate, two mica. |
New Old Stock in original boxes and white box. A really fine broadcast grade blackplate of the 12AU7 family, made by RCA for industrial use. The Commmand Series of RCA tubes are very scarce, as they were not available to the general public, but are well worth the search. Excellent quality that lasts. MATCHED PAIRS $199.00 PER PAIR! CLIENT COMMENTS: "Mr. Jessee I would like to thank you for the tubes I requested. I purchased RCA Command 5814a tubes for my CJ pv-10b...known to be hard on tubes. So far these tubes are by far the most liquid and pleasant as well as extremely quiet. I've used RFT's and have Mullard box plates also...RCA's are the creamiest. Thanks. Otis" |
$99.00 |
in Stock |
12AU7 RCA Greyplate, New and Old Logos |
New Old Stock Original Box and White Box. Two are JAN military spec (JRG12AU7) add $3 each. $40 per matched pair. |
$17.00 |
In Stock |
12AU7 RCA blackplate, Old Logo, or made for organ brands. Fine 1950s vintage tube. |
A nice USA 1950s tube that was widely used in organs and hi-fi units. This is the original 1950s RCA black plate that will never be duplicated. This is probably the last time they will be offered at this price. Good supply now, but when they are gone..... Warm blackplate sound with a nice top end. MATCHED PAIRS ARE JUST $109.00. CLIENT COMMENTS: "Hi Brent, Wanted to give you an update. Tubes arrived just as you said they would. Thanks for being in the business you are in, and running it the way that you do. Changes in my PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium HP are not subtle. Tightened bass, liquid lush (but not syrupy) midrange! Increased height and depth to soundstage. But to me most importantly, the Beryllium tweeters on my beloved Usher BE-718 “Tiny Dancers” are now tamed! What was tizzzz is now sustained shimmer on cymbals. All this with only around 12 hours on the tubes. I suspect things will continue to change, and not for the worse. Thank you!! R.J." |
$49.00 |
in Stock |
12AU7 RCA blackplate, BUTT UGLY TUBES!. Fine 1950s vintage tube. |
A nice USA 1950s tube that was widely used in organs and hi-fi units. These are the same tube, but.....WOW are these UGLY!! Missing labels, strange brands on the label, UUUGGGGLLLLYYY! Warm blackplate sound with a nice top end. MATCHED PAIRS ARE JUST $60.00. |
$30.00 |
out of Stock |
12AU7 RCA early greyplates, Old Logo in white ink, some military stock.MATCHED PAIRS |
New Old Stock white box. These are the very first generation of RCA greyplates, made for Berlant/Concertone, most with 1948 date codes and square top getters. These predate both the cleartop types and also those with the orange label. I have matched these closely in pairs. Blackplate quality at a bargain price.....times two! |
$40.00 per pair |
in stock |
12AU7A RCA Cleartop (side getter),SPECIAL MATCHED PAIRS |
New Old Stock Original Box and White Box. A great tube that rivals West Europe types, making it a great buy at this price. Some say the side getter contributes to the low microphonics of this tube. Wonderfully balanced airy highs, midrange warmth, and accurate bass. These pairs have been carefully hand selected for close dynamic mutual conductance on a Hickok 539A. I have sold dozens of pairs of these, and clients agree this tube is an incredible bargain among NOS tubes. Stock up now, this tube is vanishing from the market just like the Telefunken smoothplates! |
$99.00 per pair |
in Stock |
12AU7A RCA Cleartop (side getter) |
New Old Stock Original Box and White Box. Priced per single tube. A great tube that rivals West Europe types, making it a great buy at this price. Some say the side getter contributes to the low microphonics of this tube. Wonderfully balanced airy highs, midrange warmth, and accurate bass. Stock up now, this tube is vanishing from the market just like the Telefunken smoothplates! Priced per single tube. |
$45.00 |
in Stock |
12AU7A RCA Cleartop (side getter) unlabeled or organ brands, SPECIAL PRICE, SINGLES AND MATCHED PAIRS! |
New Old Stock White Box. More of these fine tubes just in stock! The EXACT same great RCA made tube as above, but either unlabelled or labelled for Conn organs, Amperex, V-M, or Motorola. This tube really sounds as good as some NOS European types at one-fourth the cost!! If you are not picky about what is on the label, this tube is the best 12AU7 NOS bargain ever. MATCHED PAIRS just $79 per pair. Save! COMMENTS ON THE RCA CLEARTOP: "Conn 12AU7 Cleartop arrived yesterday. It only has 12 hours or so of break-in so far - but your description was absolutely spot-on. WOW. It sounded amazing right out of the box. It blows away the Eastern European tube (muddy, rolled-off highs AND lows) that originally came with the pre-amp. Thanks for your help - even with such a small order. Regards, G.K." MORE COMMENTS: "Hi Brent, The new tubes sound fantastic, really restored the clean tone to a beautiful shimmering tone, almost Fender-like. Many thanks for your help and kindness talking with me about what I needed at fantastic price. I could not be happier. This little Gibson amp is a keeper now! Thanks, B.C." |
$39.00 |
In Stock |
12AU7WA/6189 Black plate RCA 3 mica Military/Commercial Grade |
NOS, White Box and original box. Blackplate, gold, orange or white lettering, triple mica. A great step up from the standard 12AU7, longer life lower noise! Matched pairs are just $100.00. |
$49.00 |
out of Stock |
6350 Premium industrial grade blackplate 12AU7, RCA computer grade. |
New Old Stock in original boxes, most labeled for RCA. Fine 1950s to early 1960s vintage blackplate tubes at a nice price. This computer grade tube is quiet, dynamic, with a very long operating life. Kick it up a notch with these killer tubes! Priced per single tube. MATCHED PAIRS ARE $99.00 PER PAIR! |
$45.00 |
in Stock |
5963 Premium industrial grade 12AU7, RCA blackplate. | New Old Stock in whiteboxes. A really fine blackplate from the 1950s, many audiophiles feel these outperform most of the other NOS 12AU7 tubes. Ranked on par with the European brands! Most are instrumentation grade labelled for Beckman Instruments. MATCHED PAIRS ARE $68.00. |
$29.00 |
out of Stock |
JRC5963 Premium military grade 12AU7, RCA greyplate |
New Old Stock in original boxes and whiteboxes. An excellent step up from the standard 12AU7, and these tubes are starting to become scarce. Fine military tubes with longplates. |
$21.00 |
In Stock |
5963 Premium industrial grade 12AU7, RCA greyplate |
New Old Stock in original boxes and whiteboxes. An excellent step up from the standard 12AU7, and these tubes are starting to become scarce. New lower price! |
$16.00 |
In Stock |
Tube |
GENERAL ELECTRIC![]() "Truly, this is the well-tempered tube. GE tubes are evenly balanced and nicely flat in their response. The higher priced selected, 5814A, black plate and long plates add uncolored smoothness to any hi-fi application, while the organ tubes are excellent in anything from ham radio to guitar amps, to phono preamps." |
Price Each |
Quantity in Stock |
12AU7 General Electric SELECTED TUBE Honeywell instrument grade, 1960s greyplate |
New Old Stock White Box. These are carefully selected insrument grade GE made tubes for exacting applications in Honeywell industrial equipment. A genuine American 1960s 12AU7 with a great balanced tone that will whip any current production Russian or Chinese 12AT7. Honeywell labeled, very difficult to find these and they make incredible audio tubes. Treat your hi-fi or guitar amp to a real American classic that is also a rare aftermarket instrumentation grade selected status, making these low noise and low microphonics. MATCHED PAIRS ARE $180.00! |
$90.00 |
In Stock |
12AU7 General Electric SELECTED TUBE yellow tip or instrument grade, 1960s greyplate |
New Old Stock White Box. These are telecommunications grade some with selected tube yellow tips, they were spares for a ship radio room. Others are instrument grade selected for Hewlett-Packard. A genuine American 1960s 12AU7 with a great balanced tone that will whip any current production Russian or Chinese 12AT7. All are 1960s date coded from the Owensboro, Kentucky factory, an incredible bargain while they last. Treat your hi-fi or guitar amp to a real American classic that is also a rare aftermarket telecommunications selected status, making these low noise and low microphonics. MATCHED PAIRS ARE $90.00! |
$45.00 |
In Stock |
JG-5814A JAN General Electric rare pewter plate, Premium industrial grade 12AU7, JAN military grade, horseshoe getterSPECIAL PRICE MATCHED PAIRS |
New Old Stock in whiteboxes. Excellent 1950s rare military pewter colored plates, will last a very long time in use. Square shape getter, nice labels, great pairs of rare vintage tubes! These are a significent step up from standard 12AU7 tubes. $49 each for singles. |
$99.00 per pair |
in stock |
12AU7 General Electric / Ken Rad early long "pewter" plates |
New Old Stock Original Box and White Box. This is the earliest GE version of the 12AU7, sometimes found with the Ken Rad labels. The plates are a dull silvery color, looking almost like pewter or lead. The getter is usually square. These are very rare and worth the search, as they sound excellent. Usually our stock is very limited. |
$50.00 |
out of Stock |
6350 Premium industrial grade blackplate 12AU7, GE computer grade. |
New Old Stock in whiteboxes and original boxes, most labeled for IBM. Fine 1950s to early 1960s vintage blackplate tubes at a nice price. This computer grade tube is quiet, dynamic, with a very long operating life. Kick it up a notch with these killer tubes! MATCHED PAIRS ARE $95.00 PER PAIR! |
$45.00 |
in Stock |
12AU7 General Electric |
New Old Stock Original Box and White Box |
$14.00 |
In Stock |
5814A GE 5-star military grade |
New Old Stock Original Box. MATCHED PAIRS ARE $50.00 PER PAIR. |
$22.00 |
out of stock |
12AU7WA/6189 GE Military/Commercial Grade |
New Old Stock White Box and original box. Rugged military build, long life tube, getting hard to find. A step up from standard 12AU7 tubes. MATCHED PAIRS ARE $50.00 |
$20.00 |
out of Stock |
JG-5814A or GE 5 star line, greyplate, GE Premium industrial grade 12AU7, JAN military grade, TRIPLE MICA. |
New Old Stock in original and whiteboxes. Large stock just in! Excellent 1950s military greyplate triple mica tubes, will last a very long time in use, most made by Sylvania or GE. Some are still in the military moisture proof wrappings. MATCHED PAIRS ARE $60.00 PER PAIR. |
$24.00 |
outt of stock |
5814A Premium industrial grade blackplate 12AU7, GE broadcast grade or military grade. |
New Old Stock in original and whiteboxes. Fine 1950s vintage military blackplate tubes at a nice price. MATCHED PAIRS ARE $70.00 PER PAIR. |
$30.00 |
in stock |
Tube |
SYLVANIA![]() "A Swiss army knife of a tube on a budget. The Sylvania has a bright sparkle, and dynamic yet lean midrange with tight bass. They blow away current production tubes, and the black plate, 6350, 5814A, and 5963 series stack up nicely against the best of the European tubes." |
Price Each |
Quantity in Stock |
BLOWOUT SPECIAL! OVERSTOCKED 12AU7 Sylvania made for Baldwin, 1960s greyplate organ stock tubes |
New Old Stock white Box. Blow out price! These grey plates are made by Sylvania for Baldwin organ. This is your clue that these beauties have already been screened for audio use. Superb in any application calling for a 12AU7, 5814A, or ECC82. We have both Baldwin and Sylvania label stock. Far superior to the Russian and Chinese crap and priced about the same! WE ARE OVERSTOCKED!! Come and get 'em! MATCHED PAIRS ARE JUST $40.00. |
$15.00 |
in stock |
12AU7 and 12AU7WA JAN Sylvania Blackplate military stock tubes |
New Old Stock Original Box. Very nice military blackplates from the 1950s. |
$20.00 |
out of Stock |
12AU7 Sylvania blackplate, Old Logo on green label. Fine 1950s vintage tube. |
New Old Stock, white box. These excellent blackplates came from a jobbers bulk pack, and will outperform any modern 12AU7 tube hands down! |
$17.00 | out of Stock |
12AU7 JAN Sylvania greyplate military stock tubes |
New Old Stock Original Box. Very nice military greyplates from the 1960s. |
$15.00 |
out of stock |
6350 Premium industrial grade blackplate 12AU7, horseshoe or D getter, Sylvania computer grade. |
New Old Stock in whiteboxes, most labeled for IBM. Fine 1950s to early 1960s vintage blackplate tubes at a nice price. This computer grade tube is quiet, dynamic, with a very long operating life. Kick it up a notch with these killer tubes! MATCHED PAIRS ARE $99.00 PER PAIR! |
$49.00 |
in Stock |
12AU7WA/6189 Sylvania Military/Commercial Grade |
New Old Stock White Box and original box. A rugged build, long life tube. Getting hard to find. Some manufactured for Sperry-Rand avaiation in military boxes. PAIRS ARE $70.00. |
$30.00 |
out of Stock |
6680/12AU7 Commercial Grade by Sylvania, GE, TungSol or RCA |
New Old Stock White Box and original box. |
$15.00 |
9 |
5814A Premium industrial grade 12AU7 Sylvania Gold Brand, gold pins, RARE |
New Old Stock in original boxes. MATCHED PAIRS ARE $199.00 PER PAIR! Miliary tough, a big improvement over standard 12au7 tubes! These rare gold pin industrial/military tubes outperform most other NOS tubes! Very limited stock. Priced per single tube. |
$99.00 |
in Stock |
JAN Sylvania JG-5814A blackplate, TRIPLE MICA, Premium industrial grade 12AU7, JAN military grade, square getter.SPECIAL PRICE MATCHED PAIRS |
Tests as New Old Stock in whiteboxes. Excellent 1950s military blackplate triple mica tubes, will last a very long time in use. Square shape getter, high mounted third mica spacer, nice vintage white labels, great pairs of rare vintage tubes! |
$65.00 per pair |
out of stock |
5814A Premium industrial grade 12AU7 JAN Sylvania or Sylvania gold label |
New Old Stock in original and whiteboxes. MATCHED PAIRS ARE $50.00 PER PAIR! Miliary tough, a big improvement over standard 12au7 tubes! |
$24.00 |
in Stock |
5963 Premium industrial grade 12AU7, JAN Sylvania Gold Brand type. | New Old Stock in original box and white box. Military tubes with square top getter, gold label on the glass, greyplates. Also have the Gold Brand with gold pins in the gold and black original boxes. An excellent industrial strength 12AU7, the military types are the same as the famed Gold Brand series. Priced per single tube. MATCHED PAIRS ARE $99.00 PER PAIR! |
$45.00 |
In Stock |
5963 Premium industrial grade 12AU7, JAN RCA and JAN Sylvania, and industrial RCA. |
New Old Stock in original boxes. These are nice military or industrial versions of this fine tube. |
$16.00 |
In Stock |
Tube |
OTHER USA BRANDS AND RARE TYPES"Not to be missed, these tubes are some of the best deals per dollar going in a NOS tube. The rare types equal the best Europeans, while the Raytheon and Tung Sol 1960s smoothness are in a class by themselves. Better try then now, they are getting harder to find as time goes by." |
Price Each |
Quantity in Stock |
12AU7WA Eclipse-Pioneer/Bendix Aviation blackplate, TRIPLE MICA, Premium avionics grade 12AU7.SPECIAL PRICE MATCHED PAIRS |
New Old Stock in original boxes. Eclipse-Pioneer was a division of Bendix Aviation and made equipment for aircraft and space rockets. Excellent 1950s blackplate triple mica tubes, will last a very long time in use. Aftermarket selected and screened to exacting avionics specifications, these make fantastic audio tubes. They are also military specification and have the military WA suffix. Nice vintage yellow Bendix labels, great pairs of rare vintage tubes! SINGLE TUBES ARE $99.00. |
$219.00 per pair |
out of stock |
12AU7 USA made SELECTED tube, Premium industrial grade 12AU7 |
New Old Stock in whiteboxes. Excellent industrial grade made by RCA, GE, Tung Sol and Sylvania for critical use in aircraft, military, industry, and other exacting applications. Aftermarket screened and labeled for Barber-Colman, Fisher, Teletronics, Paco, Hallicrafters, Sanbria, plus others with red or green selected tube painted tips. These sound fantastic in hi-fi use! Industrial types are rare, but may be the last 12AU7 you will ever need. MATCHED PAIRS, WHEN AVAILABLE ARE $190.00 PER PAIR. |
$89.00 |
out of stock |
RARE ENGINEERING SAMPLES, 7730 CBS industrial gold pin, Premium industrial grade 12AU7, individually serial numbered. |
New Old Stock, 5 in CBS Engineering Sample box, supplied individually in whiteboxes. Excellent industrial grade made by CBS for critical use in aircraft and other exacting applications. These are special selected tubes direct from the CBS factory in Danvers, MA, and each is individually marked Engineering Sample with an individual serial number. The type 7730 is etched into the glass (they are not rebranded 12AU7 tubes), and these have thickly plated gold pins. These sound fantastic in hi-fi use! Very rare, but may be the last 12AU7 you will ever need. All CBS label, all are CBS made. MATCHED PAIRS ARE $400.00 PER PAIR. CLIENT COMMENTS: "Hello there, I purchased a 7730 CBS 12AU7 tube...I needed to contact you and let you know IT'S SOUNDS AWESOME!!! Thank so much...R.R." |
$199.00 |
out of stock |
7730 CBS industrial, Premium industrial grade 12AU7, RARE |
Tests as New Old Stock in whiteboxes. Excellent industrial grade made by CBS for critical use in aircraft and other exacting applications. Many are marked Instrumentation Tube, and these have standard pins. These sound fantastic in hi-fi use! Very rare, but may be the last 12AU7 you will ever need. Some of this stock has the Raytheon or Westinghouse label, but all are CBS made. MATCHED PAIRS ARE $280.00 PER PAIR. CLIENT COMMENTS: "Hello there, I purchased a 7730 CBS 12AU7 tube...I needed to contact you and let you know IT'S SOUNDS AWESOME!!! Thank so much...R.R." |
$135.00 |
out of stock |
5814A Raytheon windmill getter, Premium industrial grade 12AU7, RARE |
Tests as New Old Stock in whiteboxes. Excellent industrial grade made by Raytheon for critical use in aircraft, military, industry, and other exacting applications. These sound fantastic in hi-fi use! Very rare, but may be the last 12AU7 you will ever need. These have the distinctive four blade top windmill getter only made by Raytheon for a short time, and now in super high demand. MATCHED PAIRS ARE $250.00 PER PAIR. |
$125.00 |
in stock |
NEW SPECIAL, WHILE THEY LAST!! 12AU7 various brands 1950s blackplate, made for Baldwin, or Conn organs, mostly Sylvania, some OEM tube and amp brands. Fine 1950s vintage blackplates. LOWEST PRICE! |
New Old Stock white box. Beautiful blackplates, some Conn label organ stock tubes. Tubes for organs have been factory screened for noise and microphonics, and are an audiophile "secret" bargain tube. Blackplate 1950s vintage sweetness that must be heard to be believed at this price. Going fast, the secret is out, come and get 'em! MATCHED PAIRS ARE JUST $40.00 PER PAIR! CLIENT COMMENTS: "Good day, Received the tubes today, already a very dramatic improvement in sound stage and tonal quality. Great recommendations. David R." |
$20.00 |
in Stock |
JAN CRP-5814A or CRP-12AU7 Raytheon, or JAN CTL 5814A Tung Sol, JAN military grade.SPECIAL PRICE MATCHED PAIRS |
Tests as New Old Stock in original boxes and white box. Excellent 1950s military tubes, will last a very long time in use. Round shape getter, nice early style orange labels (white on Tung Sol), great pairs of rare vintage tubes! A few rebranded Amperex in Amperex boxes but are Raytheon 3 mica black plate square getters. |
$60.00 per pair |
out of stock |
12AU7 Tung Sol made rare blackglass. MATCHED PAIR |
New Old Stock whitebox and original box. Fine early vintage USA tube. The blackglass was the finest ever made by Tung Sol, and is one of the high-demand USA made vintage 12AU7 tubes. Not often in stock, these are rarely offered by other tube dealers, they are just too scarce. Some made by Tungsol for other labels. SINGLE TUBES, WHEN AVAILABLE, ARE $50.00 EACH. CLIENT COMMENTS: "Purchased a pair of Tung Sol 12au7 black glass tubes. They were to replace a pair of Amperex bugle boys I purchased from you in the late 90s.(they only lasted 20+ years!). Loved the Bugle Boys, but they were a "little bright" on my system. Received the Tung Sols, plugged them in and was immediately disappointed. Wow..I thought "should have stretched the budget and got the bugle boys..." After a proper burn in, my opinion has changed! The Tung Sols have tamed the bright upper end and, in my opinion, have a "smoothness" and sound staging to rival or beat Bugle Boys! Long burn in (at least 75-100 hrs) but a great tube! D.C." |
$115.00 per pair |
12AU7 Various USA brands |
New Old Stock White Box and original box. Too many brands to list. All are pre-1970 vintage and all will sound better than any of the trash being made today. These are priced the same as the Russian and Chinese tubes, which makes them an even more incredible value! |
$12.00 |
120 |
5814A Premium industrial grade 12AU7, Triple Mica Raytheon JAN 5814A with RARE Windmill Getter MATCHED PAIR |
New Old Stock in original boxes and white boxes. A really fine military grade greyplate triple mica of the 12AU7 family, made by Raytheon. These have the very rare top windmill shaped getter, which may contribute to the low microphonics and excellent soundstage of this tube. Excellent quality that lasts. HALO GETTER MATCHED PAIR JUST $70.00! |
$100.00 per pair |
out of stock |
5814A Premium industrial grade 12AU7, GE, Raytheon blackplate. |
New Old Stock in whiteboxes. These are USA made blackplates, and are are a great upgrade to any 12AU7. These are the old style 2 mica from the 1960s. MATCHED PAIRS ARE $50.00 PER PAIR! |
$24.00 |
out of stock |
5963 various USA brands Premium Industrial Grade 12AU7 |
New Old Stock White Box. Many made by RCA. This is an excellent USA made industrial quality 12AU7 tube at a fantastic price! |
$14.00 |
29 |
Click here for a complete list of Telefunken tube date codes with manufacture dates.
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