1590 West Algonquin Road #111
Hoffman Estates, IL 60192
Voice Phone 847-496-4546, Monday-Friday 8AM to 4PM USA Central Time
FAX only 847-963-1568, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week e-mail: brentjes@audiotubes.com
NEW! CURVE TRACER MATCHING AVAILABLE! We can match most small signal preamp tubes and we now match all of our power output tubes on a Tektronix 576 curve tracer. This runs the tube at full rated plate and screen voltage, and plots the curves at 10 different grid bias levels. The most accurate method to test tubes, the curve plots can actually be compared to the printed examples for each tube type that appear in the manufacturer technical data sheets and books. This matching is provided at no extra charge for any 6BQ5/EL84 type of power tubes!
NEW! Get two full years of warranty coverage for these tubes!.
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An Important Note About NOS Tubes. Please Read.
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The 6BQ5 is a small beam power pentode vacuum tube. It is a finger sized tube, all glass, and has a standard 9-pin base (like a 12AX7) with a large cylindrical plate structure inside. This tube is truly a mouse that roared, as it can handle 12 watts on the plate at 300 volts, and 300 volts on the screen at 2 watts! The early Beatles music was all heard through 6BQ5 tubes (Mullard EL84s actually) as they exclusively used VOX British made amps that were full of these little guys. This tube was also popular in the 1950s and 1960 in larger hi-fi table radios, hi-fi amps, smaller console stereo systems, and "portable" tube amps that were found in better record players and tape recorders. The USA factories were primarily RCA, GE, and Sylvania that made this tube, despite what the label says. RCA has the number in the "stop sign" octagon, GE has the number and a code of dots etched into the glass, and Sylvania usually has 6BQ5 and the letters U.S.A. in dark grey paint at the top of the tube. Both grey and black plates (early type) were used. The early RCA tubes had black graphite sprayed on inside the glass for shielding. Some are quite dark, others have a variable density "smoky glass" look to them, giving them the term "smoked glass" types. This "greyglass" makes the tube look used, but it is normal, and these tubes are rare and excellent sounding! Later 1960s and 1970s USA 6BQ5 tubes were often made by Amperex, Mullard, or Siemens, and can be spotted by the factory date code near the bottom of the tube. This tube is currently being made in China and Russia, but caution needs to be used when using these in a vintage amp, as some of the current tubes cannot handle more than 200 volts on the screen or plate.
The 7189 is an "industrial" version of the 6BQ5. It can handle 400 volts on the screen and plate, but otherwise looks just like a 6BQ5. Usually you can use a 7189 in place of a 6BQ5, but NOT the other way around! The 7189A has even higher ratings, at 440 volts, and has a different pinout. The pinout difference may make this tube incompatible with 6BQ5/EL84 circuits, unless you know it will work!
NOTE ON COMPATIBILITY WITH RUSSIAN TUBES: All NOS 6BQ5 tubes have an internal pin connection that is according to the established standards for this tube type. SOME RUSSIAN TUBES HAVE DIFFERENT INTERNAL PIN CONNECTIONS AND ARE NON-STANDARD! If your amp was built after 1982 and was shipped with Russian tubes installed, check with your dealer or amp technician to be sure NOS tubes can be used in your amp. This affects very few amps but I have seen some designed around non-standard Russian tubes!
NOTE ON MATCHING PAIRS AND QUADS: We can supply matched pairs or quads when stock is available. Usually pairs are listed on this page if available. Inquire if you need quads and we can check availability for you. Matching is within 5% of plate current draw under load, and within 5% of transconductance (Gm). This has proven to be well within tolerance of most amps over 15 years of selling these pairs. Of course, various amps will run these tubes at differing plate voltages, which may affect the match on any particular amp. Our tubes are guaranteed to match properly on your amp. However, it is expected you will adjust the bias or otherwise inspect your amps bias operation when installing these tubes. Our guarantee does not cover tube or amp damage caused by incorrect bias adjustment or amps in need of internal repair.
NOTE ON GROOVE TUBES: The EL84S types of pairs and quads made by Groove Tubes may be ordered with factory matching with respect to both Gm/plate current AND "hardness" ratings. The hardness rating is the degree to which the tube breaks up or distorts, when driven to it's limits. The standard "normal" breakup hardness is numbered 4-6. You may request early breakup ratings of 2-3 where the tube will distort nicely in a guitar amp when moderately overdriven. For very clean playing, or for use in hi-fi or stereo tube amps, you may request a late break up number of 7-9. These are very low distortion at high output tubes, and will not break up until heavily overdriven. There is no extra charge for hardness requests. All Groove Tubes are new and come in boxed pairs or quads, and GT power tubes have a 90 day defect warranty in addition to our 30 day satisfaction guarantee.
The Amperex can be found with a white label and the treble clef logo (rare), the Bugle Boy cartoon tube logo, Amperex in white ink, and the orange world logo. The Bugle Boy is the most popular, almost to being a "designer" label, which has driven the price up and supplies down. Amperex made many tubes for the USA market, mainly for Zenith and Motorola. These are excellent tubes, identical in quality to Bugle Boys. The sound is gentle with nice air at the top, and a carefully controlled warmth in the lower mids. They usually say "made in Holland" in white around the top, and have the Heerlen, Holland factory code near the bottom. All of the Dutch Amperex and Philips made tubes were burned in at the factory, which created small "sooty" patches inside the glass in the genuine old tubes. This is not a sign of use or wear, but rather a sign of authenticity. Watch for the 1950s vintage versions with the "D" shaped top getter, as they are rare and fine. Even more scarce are the pre-1957 "disc getter" that were the first generation of these tubes. They are getting pricey due to demand outstripping supply.
Mullard EL84 tubes were made in both the old "shield" logo in white ink, and later the IEC/Mullard logo in white. They are rarer than Amperex, but worth seeking out. The are powerful, yet creamy, with a nice deep richness and warmth in the lower mids and bass. Mullard made these for GE, Raytheon, Admiral, and many other USA brands. They can be spotted by the seams on the top of the glass, "Great Britain" in white at the top or bottom, and the "B" code for the Blackburn factory at the bottom. Like the Amperex tubes, Mullard tubes are burned in at the factory, so even new ones have small "sooty" looking spots near openings in the plate. Just a few hours of use will make Mullard tubes get large sooty patches inside the glass. This in no way affects the life or sound of the tube. Many found today were "aged" at the factory or by hi-fi shops, and the sooty marks inside the glass is actually a sign of authenticity, as the fakes will not develop the dark marks. Again, watch for the 1950s versions with the square top getter, they are just great.
Siemens and Tungsram tubes often look very similar to Amperex. Most have the Munich factory mark near the bottom, looking like the "unequal" sign (equal sign with a slash thru it) and plates similar to Amperex. Siemens have a number molded in the glass on the bottom, and usually say "made in Germany". They made many EL84 tubes for Realistic-Radio Shack with gold pins. Tungsram are also nice German tubes, usually with "made in Austria" printed on the bottom. Two types of plates were used, one type with a slit in the center like Mullards, and another with several large circular holes in the plate. Early Austria-made Tungsram tubes are easy to spot, as the gettering process usually made large, bright silver spots on the glass at every opening in the plate. This is normal, and not a sign of use!
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Quantity in Stock new listing categories: "In Stock" = we got 'em, come and get 'em! "Temporarily Out of Stock" = Dang it, we just ran out, but check back real soon! "Call/e-mail" = these are rare tubes and stock changes quickly. Please call us for the latest inventory, and we can often outsource these tubes for you. |
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See new stock listing key at left |
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6BQ5/EL84/7189 Telefunken, diamond mark, made in Germany, NOS MATCHED PAIR |
New Old Stock in white box and original boxes. Great early 1960s vintage German tube sound! These have the bottom diamond mark. These tubes are scarce. These nice pairs are matched to within 3 percent Gm. SINGLE TUBES $80 EACH. Some have poor labels (typical of old vintage Telefunken tubes) but these are the genuine diamond bottom Ulm, Germany made tubes. SINGLE TUBES ARE $99.00. One pair of 7189, which are excellent industrial versions of the EL84 with slightly higher specs, and can be used anywhere an EL84 is used. |
$199.00 per pair |
out of stock |
6BQ5/EL84 Telefunken, diamond mark, made in Germany, light use MATCHED PAIR |
Light use tested good, in white box. Great early 1960s vintage German tube sound! These have the bottom diamond mark. These tubes are scarce. A great chance to try these rare tubes at a savings, they test at least 75% of new. SINGLE TUBES $50 EACH. |
$105.00 per pair |
out of stock |
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6BQ5/EL84/E84L Siemens, made in Germany by Siemens Halske, NOS MATCHED PAIR |
New Old Stock in white box. More stock just in! Great 1960s vintage German tube sound! Many made for Audiophile grade Philips SQ, many with various labels, some have original Siemens labels and Valvo labels, a few are CBS. These tubes are similar to Telefunken in quality, and just as scarce. Siemens sometimes made tubes for Telefunken and CBS, the quality is the same. All are S&H factory marked. Carefully matched pairs. One pair is the military CV2975. |
$169.00 per pair |
In Stock |
6BQ5/EL84 RARE Valvo D-GETTER, made in Germany, NOS MATCHED PAIR |
New Old Stock in white box. Rare early 1950s Valvo made tubes with the large, solid D-shape top getter. These all have the Valvo Hamburg factory mark. These tubes are similar to Telefunken in quality, and just as scarce. |
$190.00 per pair |
out of stock |
6BQ5/EL84 Valvo or Ei, made in Germany, NOS MATCHED PAIR |
New Old Stock in original box and white box. Great 1960s vintage German tube sound! These all have the Valvo Hamburg factory mark. These tubes are similar to Telefunken in quality, and just as scarce. Some are Ei made for Brimar label. SINGLE TUBES, WHEN AVAILABLE, ARE $50.00 |
$120.00 per pair |
single tubes in Stock |
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MAZDA![]() |
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6BQ5/EL84F, Special low microphonics version, Mazda made in France, NOS MATCHED PAIR |
New Old Stock in original box and whiteboxes. A rare Mazda EL84 built for low microphonics. A rare tube in the USA, these French made 1950s to early 1960s vintage EL84 tubes are similar to Amperex, with a nice balance of air and midrange warmth. Punchy with excellent dynamics, too. A vintage European tube at a very nice price. Some made for R/T, Dario or Philips but French Mazda factory codes. |
$190.00 per pair |
in Stock |
7320, Special low microphonics industrial 6BQ5/EL84 version, Mazda made in France, NOS MATCHED PAIR |
New Old Stock in original box and whiteboxes. A rare Mazda EL84 built for low microphonics. A rare tube in the USA, these French made 1950s to early 1960s vintage EL84 tubes are similar to Amperex, with a nice balance of air and midrange warmth. Punchy with excellent dynamics, too. A vintage European tube at a very nice price. Some made for R/T, Dario or Philips but French Mazda factory codes. |
$190.00 per pair |
in Stock |
6BQ5/EL84,Mazda made in France, 1950s with D-getter, NOS MATCHED PAIR |
New Old Stock in original box and whiteboxes. More just in! Very scarce early to mid 1950s D-Getter Mazda French made tubes. Sweet and clean. Punchy with excellent dynamics, too. A rare European tube at a very nice price. |
$150.00 per pair |
in stock |
6BQ5/EL84,Mazda made in France, NOS MATCHED PAIR |
New Old Stock in original box and whiteboxes. Large lot just in direct from France! A rare tube in the USA, these French made 1950s to early 1960s vintage EL84 tubes are similar to Amperex, with a nice balance of air and midrange warmth. Punchy with excellent dynamics, too. A vintage European tube at a very nice price. Most made for R/T or Philips but French Mazda factory codes. |
$120.00 per pair |
in Stock |
6BQ5/EL84,Mazda made in France, NOS, single tubes |
New Old Stock in original box and whiteboxes. A rare tube in the USA, these French made EL84 tubes are similar to Amperex, with a nice balance of air and midrange warmth. MATCHED PAIRS ARE $120.00 PER PAIR. |
$60.00 |
in stock |
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6BQ5/EL84 Mullard made, RARE 1950s square getter, various white label, MATCHED PAIR |
New old stock, in white box. RARE 1950s vintage British tube sound! European EL84 tubes are rare, and the Mullard made tubes are among the very best. These are the first generation of this excellent tube, with square getters. Tested and burned in at the factory, with dark marks visible on the inside glass from this. Excellent match confirmed by us. Most made for various brands. SINGLE TUBES ARE $95.00 EACH. These first generation EL84 Mullards are nearly extinct! |
$190.00 per pair |
out of stock |
6BQ5/EL84 Mullard made, white label or OEM label, MATCHED PAIR |
New old stock, in original box and white box. MORE JUST IN!! Great 1960s vintage British tube sound! European EL84 tubes are rare, and the Mullard made tubes are among the very best. A rare pair, since these tubes are so hard to find. Tested and burned in at the factory, with dark marks visible on the inside glass from this. Excellent match confirmed by us. NOTE: Some are Mullard label 7189, most made for other brands like Knight, Dario, or blank organ stock. All are Blackburn factory coded, tested NOS and curve tracer matched by us to within a few percent! SINGLE TUBES ARE $90.00 EACH. CLIENT COMMENTS: "Brent: Your recent shipment arrived early and was packed perfectly. I don’t usually write emails like this and am so impressed with your recommendation that I felt compelled to do so. So last week I called you and asked for the least clinical most tube sounding configuration you could come up with. Success, yesterday I installed the Mullard 12AX7 and EL84’s and after 30 minutes of burn in the tubes settled down. My first impression of this setup is easy to state, the cymbals have a wonderful detailed sustain now and overall there is now a deep 3D sound stage. My wife came in and noticed the change immediately and commented that it sounded very lifelike and she thought the bass guitar tone was improved as well. This tiny cheap amp should not sound like this. Awesome recommendation Brent!!! You have a very satisfied customer here!!! T.C." |
$180.00 per pair |
out of Stock |
6BQ5/EL84 Mullard Great BritainMATCHED PAIR |
Light use in white box. Great 1960s vintage British tube sound! European EL84 tubes are rare, and the Mullard made tubes are among the very best. Some are no label, some have the Mullard logo, all are Mullard UK made. |
$90.00 per pair |
out of Stock |
6BQ5/EL84 Mullard Great Britain |
Light use in white box. Great 1960s vintage British tube sound! European EL84 tubes are rare, and the Mullard made tubes are among the very best. Some have other brands on the label but are definitely Mullard made UK tubes. PRICED PER SINGLE TUBE. CLIENT COMMENTS: "I got the Mullard tubes today (at last)! The Mullards sound absolutely AMAZING in my system. Distortion gone, sweet musicality! Much better soundstage. No loss of detail - just sweet blissful music. Thanks for the recommendation!! G.N." |
$45.00 |
in Stock |
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EL84 Early Amperex Holland, Bugle Boy label with the Treble Clef logo, 1950s D- getter, Holland, RARE MATCHED PAIR |
Tests like New Old Stock, white boxes and original boxes. Almost extinct, these are the very first generation of the Heerlen, Holland EL84 tubes with the rare top D getter. These were selected audio grade and have the Bugle Boy and the Treble Clef logo on the glass. Sweet, musical, and powerful, these tubes have become virtually impossible to find in pairs. Labels are fair to good, label brands vary, these have 1950s date codes. Hand selected and carefully matched in pairs. SINGLE TUBES, WHEN AVAILABLE, (SOME OEM BRANDED) ARE $100.00 EACH. |
$220.00 per pair |
OUT OF stock |
6BQ5/EL84 Early Amperex Bugle Boy, Amperex Hammond, or white label type OEM, 1950s with "D" getter, Holland, MATCHED PAIR |
New Old Stock, white boxes and original boxes. MORE OF THESE RARE BABIES JUST IN!! These are among the rarest and most sought after Holland made EL84 tubes, the incomparable D-getter version from the late 1950s. Sweet, musical, and powerful, these tubes have become virtually impossible to find in pairs. Labels are fair to good, most have 1956 to 1959 date codes, most are Hammond and Bugle Boy, or other label. Hand selected and carefully matched in pairs. SINGLE TUBES, WHEN AVAILABLE, (SOME OEM BRANDED) ARE $70.00 EACH. |
$190.00 per pair |
out of stock |
6BQ5/EL84 Early Amperex white label type OEM, 1950s with "D" getter, Holland, USED TESTED GOOD! MATCHED PAIR |
USED TESTS VERY GOOD, white boxes. These are the rarest and most sought after Holland made EL84 tubes, the incomparable D-getter version from the late 1950s. Sweet, musical, and powerful, these tubes have become virtually impossible to find in pairs. Labels are good. Try these very rare used tubes at a huge savings, plenty of life left in these!. Hand selected and carefully matched in pairs. |
$99.00 per pair |
out of stock |
6BQ5/EL84 Amperex label, Teonex (England) label, Dario, organ stock, or Philips, original Holland made, MATCHED PAIR |
New Old Stock, in original and white boxes. MORE JUST IN!! Great 1960s vintage Dutch tube sound! European EL84 tubes are rare, and the Amperex made tubes are among the very best. Heerlen, Holland (Bugleboy) factory and date codes, excellent match. Fully guaranteed. NOTE: many hae other labels, all are Heerlen Holland made. Nice pairs like these are getting scarce! SINGLE TUBES ARE $60.00 EACH. CUSTOMER COMMMENTS: "Man those Amperex el84 are unbelievable. I have them in an AC15 replica with the Mullards in V1 and V2 and a longplate Raytheon black plate I had in the phase inverter. Sounds like an old Beatles album! Thanks again for everything. D.K." |
$140.00 per pair |
In Stock |
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6BQ5/EL84 Tungsram, made in Austria, NOS MATCHED PAIR |
New Old Stock in white box. Great 60s-70s vintage European tube sound! Early Tungsram production, the late 1960s are easy to spot by their large silver getter spots on the top, sides, and bottom. The early 1960s look more like an early Siemens tube. These tubes are similar to Telefunken in quality, and just as scarce. Many made for Siemens or other labels, and all pairs are matched to within 3 percent Gm. |
$99.00 per pair |
out of STOCK |
6BQ5/EL84,Tungsram, NOS |
New Old Stock in original box and whiteboxes. Great 60s-70s vintage European tube sound! Early Tungsram production from Austria, easy to spot by their large silver getter spots on the top, sides, and bottom, but these have various other brands on the labels. These tubes are similar to Telefunken in quality, and just as scarce. Perfect for European antique radio restoration. Priced per single tube. |
$40.00 |
in stock |
6BQ5/EL84/7189 Japan made NOS. |
NOS in original box and white box. Various singles and pairs of these often overlooked but excellent tubes. All are Japan made with various brand labels, mostly organ brands. Great for spares or fun tube rolling. You will be surprised at how good these really are. WHEN AVAILABLE, MATCHED PAIRS ARE $50.00 PER PAIR, |
$20.00 |
in stock |
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RCA![]() |
Price Each | Quantity in Stock |
6BQ5/EL84 RCA Blackplates, 1950s version, MATCHED PAIR |
New Old Stock in original box and whitebox. Nice early version of this USA classic. These have the flat blackplates and the unmatched sound that made RCA the leading brand in the West. All are RCA USA made, carefully matched into pairs, and fully guaranteed. SINGLE TUBES ALSO, $68.00 EACH. |
$139.00 per pair |
in Stock |
New Old Stock in original box. Nice late 1950s, early 60s classic cylinder "no hole" plate RCA tubes. Most are the rare smoke glass versions with the tilted top disc getter, some very dark glass and some almost clear. A sweeter toned tube than the later clearglass rectangular plate versions. These rival the European NOS types at a big savings! Some labelled Dynaco for OEM use in amps, some blank OEM stock but RCA made. All are RCA USA made, carefully matched into pairs, and fully guaranteed. SINGLE TUBES ARE $50.00 EACH. |
$109.00 per pair |
in Stock |
7189 RCA, clearglass or greyglass |
New Old Stock, original box. Rare beefy power version of the 6BQ5. Excellent step up from the 6BQ5, these RCAs are the best made in the US! These tubes can be used, with improved sonic results, in any application calling for a 6BQ5, 7189, or EL84. For a 7189A type tube, check with your dealer or manufacturer of your device to see if they will substitute .MATCHED PAIRS JUST $130.00! |
$60.00 |
out of Stock |
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6BQ5/EL84 General Electric, NOS. |
NOS in original box. A solid American tube, will blow the pants off the current production junk. These are the original 1960s grey oval plate GE tubes. Some made for other brands, but all have the GE factory etched dot code label. MATCHED PAIRS, JUST $80.00! |
$40.00 |
singles in Stock |
New old stock, in original box and whitebox. Nice USA made power tubes. This tube is similar to the 6BQ5/7189 but has higher power ratings and screen voltage specs. These tubes are not in production anywhere currently, and are getting very scarce. Some rare pairs here, carefully matched. Grab some now! Single tubes are $70.00. |
$140.00 per pair |
in stock |
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6BQ5/EL84, Sylvania organ stock screened for Baldwin and other organ brands, NOSMATCHED PAIR |
New Old Stock in original box. These are the rarer early production Sylvania 6BQ5s, with grey oval plates made specifically for Baldwin organs. Long lived, excellent sonics, an all around good ole USA boy tube. Great match on these pairs. |
$60.00 per pair |
out of stock |
6BQ5/EL84 Sylvania BLACKPLATE, NOS. |
NOS in original box and white box. Another legendary USA tube, same quality as the GE. These rare blackplates are the older and considered better type of USA made EL84. A few are made for RCA and other tube labels, most are organ brands. MATCHED PAIRS ARE $80.00 PER PAIR. |
$40.00 |
singles only in Stock |
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6BQ5/EL84 other USA brands NOS. |
NOS in original box and white box. A mix of NOS Motorola, Westinghouse, Raytheon, GE or RCA made, etc. Various singles of these famous and excellent tubes. These are the versions made in the USA, some unlabeled OEM tubes for manufacturers. MATCHED PAIRS, WHEN AVAILABLE, JUST $55.00 PER PAIR. Great bargains! |
$29.00 |
in stock |
6BQ5/EL84 used tested good. |
Used tested very good in whitebox. Various singles of both USA and West European brands. These are the best priced way to go for spares or experimenting. |
$13.00 |
out of Stock |
7189/A Raytheon, Sylvania, GE, or RCA, single tubes |
New old stock, white box. Nice USA made power tubes. This tube is similar to the 6BQ5 but has higher power ratings and screen voltage specs. These tubes are not in production anywhere currently, and are getting very scarce. Grab some now! MATCHED PAIRS, WHEN AVAILABLE, ARE $120.00 PER PAIR. |
$60.00 |
In Stock |
Click here for a complete list of Telefunken tube date codes with manufacture dates.
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