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This page lists all of the 6SL7 tubes I currently have in stock, including all industrial and European versions.

It is a long page, use your scroll button and scroll down the page to see it all.

These are extremely high demand vintage tubes, so I have these listed on their own page, as my stock changes rapidly. If you need a quantity of these tubes, or have specific needs such as matching, special construction, etc., please e-mail me. NOTE: Our inventory is being simplified to show that we either have adequate stock on hand ("in stock"), are out of stock ("temporarily out of stock"), or stocks change very rapidly with rare, high demand tubes ("call/e-mail"). Stock levels with actual quantity on hand shown are being phased out as we update inventory. The only exception to this will be very scarce tubes where we typically will only have a small stock on hand. Of course, any time you need a large quantity of tubes of any type, is is a good idea to email us for a stock check first.

NEW! CURVE TRACER MATCHING AVAILABLE! We can match most small signal preamp tubes on a Tektronix 576 curve tracer. This runs the tube at full rated plate voltage, and plots the curves at 10 different grid bias levels. The most accurate method to test tubes, the curve plots can actually be compared to the printed examples for each tube type that appear in the manufacturer technical data sheets and books. Each triode of a 6SL7 can be compared both internally (balanced) and to other tubes (matched). Curve tracer internal balancing, or matching of two or more tubes on the curve tracer, adds $10.00 per tube to the cost and is done upon request. Prices listed below for "matched pair" tubes are Gm matching only, and there is no additional charge for Gm matched pairs. For most uses, Gm matching is fine. Curve tracer matching would be recommended if the tubes are to be used in a phase inverter circuit, phono or microphone preamp, or other critical or demanding circuit. Curve tracer matching is an additional special request item and is charged in addition to the listed price of the single or matched pair tubes on this page.

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The 6SL7 is a high-mu twin triode in an octal based glass package. To my knowledge, there were not any metal shell versions made. Each triode section operates as a class-A amplifier. This tube has much higher mu than it's cousin, the 6SN7. It's factor is 70, whereas the 6SN7 is only 20, therefore these two tubes are not interchangeable. There is still a good population of hi-fi and musical instrument amps using this tube in the preamp stage out there, and these tubes are still available. The 6SL7 was never as popular as the 6SN7---due to the 6SN7's widespread use in television chassis design---so this tube does not turn up as often whenever vintage tubes are being sold. It is, in the proper circuit, a wonderful sounding tube, and audiophiles would do well to try the NOS vintage 6SL7 tubes before buying anything currently made today.

These tubes come in glass packages, and have envelope sizes similar to the 6SN7 family. GE usually used a short glass shell, RCA used the medium, and Sylvania, Westinghouse, and Raytheon often used the "tall boy" style. There are many variations among brands, and even within brands. Here is a summary of what is most often available:

6SL7GT / G:

This is the standard version of this tube produced by most USA makers. Nearly all have a pair of cylindrical plates, usually mounted low in the tube. Early versions have an RF shield sprayed on inside the glass (greyglass), and then since about 1952 were made of clearglass. RCA used the famous blackplates and a bottom getter, as did early Sylvania. In the 1950s, Sylvania went to a top getter, called chrome tops, and used both a short and a tall boy style. General Electric used a short glass envelope, bright nickel plates, and a side mounted getter. They also made tubes for other brands. Whenever you see the bright plates, even in tall boy glass with bottom getters they were most likely made by GE. Ken Rad tubes are just like GE. Early Tung Sol tubes looked like RCA, but later went to small grey rectangular plates that looked like tiny 6SN7 GE plates. Tubes made after 1975 used the coin or wafer base. These are all great vintage tubes.


This is the "industrial" version of the 6SL7, and has premium qualifications. These include a long life heater, extra thick mica spacers, extra support rods, and often a low loss micanol base. RCA made these in their famous "red base" line, identified by their red marbled micanol base. Other brands sold a 5691 with brown or black bases, but virtually all were made by RCA. The early versions have dull blackplates and the old circle RCA logo on the base and/or the top of the tube. Later versions have greyplates, and the modern RCA logo in orange on the redbase. Both sound and perform identically. Since the greyplates are usually easier to find, they are usually priced lower, giving a great opportunity to own a real 5691 at a savings. These tubes are great, and last a long time. They have also nearly disappeared. Their high price is justified by their high quality and demand in the market. The military versions of the 6SL7 are often just as good, so don't despair if you can't find 5691 tubes!


A very rare European type of 6SL7. Philips are what are mostly seen, if rarely. The Holland made versions are similar in size to the "tall boy" USA types. These usually have high-mounted cylindrical plates, and brown micanol bases. These are sweet and rare versions of the 6SL7, and are plug and play compatible with any 6SL7 or 5691 type tube. Some say they have all the best attributes of the 5691, with better richness and vocal clarity. Very hard to find in the USA, and worth grabbing whenever you can find them!


These are the military versions of these tubes. The Joint Army-Navy used the term "JAN", sometimes (but not always!) with the letters WGT, and / or (but again, not always!) with the designation of VT229. A true military tube will always be marked "JAN". They may or may not have listings such as "WGT", which is mil spec ruggedized; or VT229, which is the military type number of this tube. A common belief is that VT229 tubes are better than JAN or WGT types. Not true! These ARE ALL THE SAME TUBES. They may or may not have brown micanol bases. All have extra support rods and mica, and are very rugged tubes that sound wonderful. The RCA, Sylvania, Ken Rad, and Tung Sol JAN blackbase tubes look much like their civilian counterparts. JAN Sylvania, Tung Sol, GE, and RCA also made versions with brown bases, mostly with short glass envelopes. The JAN Sylvania have a light marbled base, and the plates inside are very short black cylinders. These milspec versions are an endangered species, and stocks may be wiped out when the 5691 series of tubes vanish. Prices are on the way up because of this.

6SU7GTY / 6188:

This is a premium version made by Tung Sol, possibly made by them for other brands as well, as GE lists it in their own "Essential Characteristics" book. It has a brown micanol base and the triode sections are factory matched. Sometimes the tube is listed by the industrial number of 6198, some military types list both numbers on the tube, and yet some don't use the industrial number. It's the same tube regardless. These are great 6SL7 substitutes said to sound sweet, but are rare.

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Price Each

Quantity In Stock


Quantity in Stock new listing categories: "In Stock" = we got 'em, come and get 'em! "Temporarily Out of Stock" = Dang it, we just ran out, but check back real soon! "Call/e-mail" = these are rare tubes and stock changes quickly. Please call us for the latest inventory, and we can often outsource these tubes for you.


See new stock listing key at left

ECC35 Mullard UK made, rare 6SL7.

New Old Stock original Box. Beautiful and rare British made tall boy 6SL7GT tubes, often rated better than the highly regarded RCA redbase. One of the "holy grail" type of 6SL7 tubes in the USA, as they are very rare. These were the best British 6SL7 tubes, 1950s vintage intended for use by the British military and not for export. Labeled for Philips. All have the early Miniwatt logo and round plates. Accurate sound, full body and very holographic. Maybe the best 6SL7 to ever grace your ears!

$450.00 per pair

out of stock

CV1985 Brimar UK made, rare military stock 6SL7.

New Old Stock original Box. Beautiful and rare British made military 6SL7GT tubes, often rated better than the highly regarded RCA redbase. One of the "holy grail" type of 6SL7 tubes in the USA, as they are very rare. These were the best British 6SL7 tubes, intended for use by the British military and not for export. All have the early Brimar logo and round plates. Accurate sound, full body and very holographic. Some were relabeled for Westinghouse. SINGLE TUBES ARE $190.00. Maybe the best 6SL7 to ever grace your ears!

$390.00 per pair

out of stock

JAN 5691 RCA made RARE redbase military stock, premium industrial 6SL7GT, blackplates, short glass envelope.MATCHED PAIR

New Old Stock original military box. This 1956 dated military vintage redbase is a very good, very rare dual triode. Rugged 4 support posts, 10,000 hr. life, low microphonics. More just in NOS in original military boxes. The real vintage RCA red full octal base deal, built like a tank, awesome tube! These have the JAN military labels and all have passed mil spec, they may outlast you and your equipment. These are great matched pairs! The current stock are made for the military and are genuine RCA redbase tubes with RCA labels. RCA was the only manufacturer of the redbase 5691, and this JAN tube was made only for the military and is considered the best 6SL7 ever made. You have to see these beauties to believe it! SINGLE TUBES ARE $149.00 EACH!

$299.00 per pair

out of stock

5691 RCA made redbase premium industrial 6SL7GT, short glass envelope.MATCHED PAIR

New Old Stock original box. This 1960s vintage redbase is a very good, very rare dual triode. Rugged 4 support posts, 10,000 hr. life, low microphonics. The real vintage RCA red full octal base deal, built like a tank, awesome tube! These are great matched pairs or available as singles! RCA was the only manufacturer of the redbase 5691, and this tube was made both for the military and industrial users, the labels may vary. SINGLE TUBES ARE $90.00 EACH!

$199.00 per pair

out of stock

5691 CBS/Hytron made brownbase premium industrial/military type 6SL7GT, short glass envelope.MATCHED PAIR

New Old Stock original military Box. This 5691 military 6SL7 is a very good, very rare dual triode. The CBS Hytron brown military base is as highly regarded as the RCA redbase. These are CBS made with various labels, and have short ribbed plates. 10,000 hr. life, low microphonics. Built like a tank, awesome tube! SINGLE TUBES ARE JUST $99.00.

$199.00 per pair

out of Stock

5691 Sylvania or Tung Sol made brownbase or blackbase premium industrial/military type 6SL7GT, short glass envelope.MATCHED PAIR

New Old Stock original Box. This 5691 is a very good, very rare dual triode. These black base tubes appear to be RCA military stock tubes with flat plates and extra support rods, with black bases, just like the RCA redbase tubes. The brownbase Tung Sol labeled for National have short ribbed plates. 10,000 hr. life, low microphonics. Built like a tank, awesome tube! These are great matched pairs, get a real 5691 at a savings! SINGLE TUBES ARE JUST $80.00.

$170.00 per pair

out of Stock

6SU7GTY military Brownbase, blackglass, black oval plates, Tung-Sol

New Old Stock whitebox. RARE Oval Blackplate, short BLACK glass military type, made by Tung Sol. The one and only rare early version of the 6SU7, with the brown micanol base and famous round/oval plates! This military type 6SL7 has matched triode elements. An excellent sounding step up from standard 6SL7 tubes, they even rival the higher priced 5691 redbase tubes. Priced per single tube. MATCHED PAIRS ARE $275.00. All are military stock Tung Sol made. CLIENT COMMENTS: "Brent: I installed the new tubes and biased the amps on Sunday. Here's my report: Mindful of your instructions to break in NOS for 48 hours I left everything running overnight Sunday and all day Monday.  When I got home yesterday, I listened to the system, playing some tracks with which I am very familiar.  I have to be honest--I heard the pronunciation of words in the vocals more clearly--some vocal sections that I never had before heard distinctly became CLEARLY audible.  I am thunderstruck by this change.  I just can not believe it.  All I can say is THANKS A LOT! D.E."


out of Stock

6SL7GT / VT229 blackbase JAN Sylvania Military grade, black cylindrical platesMATCHED PAIRS

New Old Stock Original Box and whitebox. Scarce tubes, hard to keep in stock. Medium glass envelopes. Great early 1950s Sylvania military blackplates, nicely matched in pairs. Probably one of the best high end tube bargains and this most popular price. SINGLE TUBES ARE $80 EACH.

$169.00 per pair

in stock

6SL7GT/WGT/VT229 blackbase, RCA Military grade, black cylindrical plates

New Old Stock Original Box and whitebox. Scarce tubes, hard to keep in stock. Short and medium glass envelopes. A few have other brands on the label, but are RCA made. MATCHED PAIRS ARE 169.00 PER PAIR.


in stock

6SL7GT / VT229 blackbase, BLACKGLASS JAN National Union Military grade, black OVAL platesMATCHED PAIRS

New Old Stock whitebox. Scarce WWII military tubes tubes, hard to keep in stock. Superb tubes, like the ECC35 but much lower cost. Short glass envelopes. These are rare early 1940s military blackplates, with the early silver label on black bases, nicely matched in pairs. SINGLE TUBES, WHEN AVAILABLE, ARE $45.00 EACH.

$90.00 per pair

out of stock

6SL7GT blackbase, bottom getter, identical to Sylvania Military grade, black cylindrical plates

New Old Stock Original Box and whitebox. Scarce tubes, hard to keep in stock. Short and medium glass envelopes. Some are standard Sylvania green label. Exactly the same tube as the VT229 above but these are not military stock. Save big on these scarce tubes!!



6SL7GT / VT229 blackbase, BLACKGLASS JAN TungSol Military grade, black OVAL platesMATCHED PAIRS

New Old Stock Original Box and whitebox. Scarce tubes, hard to keep in stock. Short glass envelopes. These are rare early 1950s Tung Sol military blackplates, with the early white label on black bases, nicely matched in pairs. Some made for Ken-Rad and National Union. SINGLE TUBES, WHEN AVAILABLE, ARE $99.00 EACH.

$199.00 per pair

out of stock

6SL7WGT brownbase JAN Sylvania Military grade, black or gunmetal cylindrical plates, heavy top and bottom mica spacers, top getter (chrome top).

New Old Stock Original Box and whitebox. These are virtually the same as the 5691, but are military stock. Short glass envelopes. Famous Sylvania "chrome domes", long since out of production, heavy demand is making these scarce. Matched pairs at just $149.00!


in Stock

JAN CKR6SL7GT / VT229 blackbase GE, Raytheon Military grade, cylindrical plates

New Old Stock whitebox. All medium glass envelopes, clearglass (greyglass on two Tung Sols). The rare Ken Rad or Tung Sol military tubes, all from a 1948 job box of JAN tubes. The VT229 is one of the best 6SL7 type vintage tubes, and some clients prefer it over the 5691. MATCHED PAIRS ARE $90 PER PAIR.


In Stock

6SL7GT/WGT brownbase JAN Tung Sol Military gradeMATCHED PAIR

New Old Stock Original Box and whitebox. Short glass envelopes, rare large ribbed greyplates. Carefully hand matched pairs. SINGLE TUBES ARE $60.00 EACH.

$120.00 per pair

in Stock

6SL7GT Tung Sol blackglass, oval plates

New Old Stock Original Box and white box. This is the early version of this tube, from the 1940s, with an internal RF shield sprayed on the inside of the glass. Like the famed Tung Sol 6SN7 oval plate, this tube is very sweet sounding and increasingly hard to find. Some are OEM labels made by Tung Sol. MATCHED PAIRS, WHEN AVAILABLE ARE $199.00.


in Stock


New Old Stock Original Box. Demand for these is on the rise, making this fine tube a vanishing species. Get yours now! MATCHED PAIRS ARE $80.00. Some made for GE but are RCA Harrison, NJ made tubes.


in Stock

6SL7GT Sylvania top getter (chrome tops)or bottom getter

New Old Stock Original Box and whitebox. These "chrome domes" are great tubes, and still a bargain! MATCHED PAIRS ARE $80.00. Some were made for Raytheon but are Sylvania made chrome dome tubes. Also have early bottom getter Sylvania same price.


out of Stock

6SL7GT General Electric side getter

New Old Stock Original Box and whitebox. These have bright nickel cylindrical plates in a short glass envelope. MATCHED PAIRS ARE $80.00. A few have other brands on the label, but are GE made. Also have a few pairs of the much older black cylindrical plates, same price.


In Stock

6SU7GTY / 6189 Tung Sol or CBS Round Plates and rib plates, Brownbase and black base, clearglass, Tung-Sol

New Old Stock Original Box. Medium glass military type, made by Tung Sol. This military/industrial 6SL7 has matched triode elements, and has suddenly become very difficult to find. An excellent sounding step up from standard 6SL7 tubes, well worth the search and higher cost! These rival the sound quality of the expensive 5691 redbase and brownbase tubes. MATCHED PAIRS ARE $199.00 PER PAIR!


in stock

6SL7GT Other USA brands

New Old Stock Original Box and white box. Most of these are made by GE, with the nickel plates, a few are blackglass types. Most are bottom getter, in either medium or tall boy envelopes. Brands include Westinghouse, Tung Sol, Raytheon, Motorola, Zenith and others. All vintage USA full octal base. Matched pairs are $50.00.


In Stock


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