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butt ugly

This page contains our best kept secret! They have become so popular we don't want it to be a secret anymore. We are talking about our less than pretty tubes. These are REALLY less than pretty, in fact they are....well....BUTT UGLY!! These tubes are missing labels, have partial labels, and have strange brands on the labels. Some may have crooked glass or tilted insides. Yeah, we are talking BUTT UGLY! These are not tubes you would want to take home and introduce to your mother. But they are all made by major manufacturers, and are the SAME tube as the pretty ones we sell for much more. If you are not into beauty pagents among your tubes (and if you are, you need to get out more) then these are a great way to get the famous tubes at a big savings! Because with regards to sound, these butts are beauts! Here on this page is a roundup of all the Butt Ugly tubes of all types we offer, an absolute buttload of tubes! So don't sit on yours, get some Butt Ugly tubes before they are gone! Of course, all are covered by our 30 day satisfaction guarantee.

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Price Each

Representative Picture

SPECIAL "BUTT UGLY" 12AX7 Amperex Bugleboy type, long narrow plates, foil-strip D-getter, 1950s codes. MATCHED PAIR

NOS, ANOS, who knows??, made in Holland, in whitebox. Very rare 1950s date coded BugleBoy type tubes made in Holland, test like NOS. These are the same as the "pretty boys" listed above at $399 per pair but these are just plain "BUTT UGLY!" Most are totally missing labels, some have parts of a label, some have oddball brands on the label, crooked insides, off center or strange shape getter patch.....you get the idea....UGLY!! These are the early Holland types, long plate version with the rare foil strip D-getter. These tubes have nearly vanished from circulation, and a matched pair of these are usually not available anywhere in the world. The sweet sounding essence of the Bugle Boy type, but with improved dynamics, top end, detail, and tight bass. All have the Heerlen Holland Delta factory mark, the long plates, and the D-getter with the foil strip on the back. SINGLE TUBES ARE $130.00 EACH. Maybe we should call these the "Butthead Boys" but man, they sure sound pretty!! You will be kicking yourself in the butt if you miss out on this bargain!

$275.00 per pair

ugly Amperex 12AX7

SPECIAL: "BUTT UGLY" 12AX7 Mullard Blackburn UK made tubes!

New Old Stock? Almost New Old Stock? in whiteboxes. Holy gluteus maximus, Batman, here we go again with more of these Butt Ugly tubes!! Save BIG on these genuine Mullard UK made tubes that are, well....BUTT UGLY! Most are missing labels, some are slightly different construction/types/production years, some have crooked glass or tilted insides, just UGLY. This is an accumulation of less-than-pretty Mullard tubes that I did not know what to do with. These all have the Mullard Blackburn UK "B" factory codes on the glass. A rare chance to try a real Mullard 12AX7 at an unheard of low price, we keep selling out of these! All are Mullard made (I seem to be repeating myself, but I get asked constantly "are these real Mullard tubes?"), and will sound the same as the pretty Mullard tubes, and they are half the price. Don't sit on your butt, get some ugly tubes before they are gone!!Matched pairs just $120.00!

$70.00 call or email for current stock

ugly  12AX7


New Old Stock? Almost New Old Stock? in whiteboxes. Save BIG on these genuine RCA BLACKPLATE tubes that are, well....BUTT UGLY! Most are missing labels, some are labelled with oddball brands or mixed construction/types, some have crooked glass or tilted insides, some may be RCA made industrial tubes without labels. This is an accumulation of less-than-pretty RCA tubes that I did not know what to do with. Some were pulls from surplus equipment and test like NOS. A rare chance to try a real RCA black plate at an unheard of low price, we keep selling out of these! All are RCA made, and will sound the same as the pretty RCA tubes, and they are half the price. Don't sit on your butt, get some ugly tubes before they are gone!!Matched pairs just $120.00!


ugly  12AX7

SPECIAL: "BUTT UGLY" 12AX7 / 12AX7A RCA greyplate tubes!

New Old Stock? Almost New Old Stock? in whiteboxes. Save BIG on these genuine RCA tubes that are, well....BUTT UGLY! Most are missing labels, some are labelled with oddball brands or mixed construction/types, some have crooked glass or tilted insides, some may be RCA made 7025 industrial tubes without labels. This is an accumulation of less-than-pretty RCA tubes that I did not know what to do with. Some were pulls from surplus equipment and test like NOS. All are RCA made, and will sound the same as the pretty RCA tubes, and they are half the price. Don't sit on your butt, get some ugly tubes before they are gone!!Matched pairs just $120.00!


ugly 12AX7

Sylvania BUTT UGLY 5751, greyplate TRIPLE MICA Premium 12AX7, military type

New Old Stock in white box. These are the same tubes as the military TRIPLE MICA tubes with the pretty green or gold labels, but are just plain BUTT UGLY! These are missing labels or have strange brands on the label, just ugly old tubes! Fine, early 1960s military tubes that sound fantastic. These sound like the blackplate triple mica versions and you pocket the savings (if you can put up with living with these ugly as sin tubes!). MATCHED PAIRS ARE $120.00 PER PAIR WHEN AVAILABLE.


ugly Sylvania 5751

12AU7 RCA blackplate, BUTT-UGLY TUBES!! Fine 1950s vintage tube, RCA made.

A nice USA 1950s tube that was widely used in organs and hi-fi units. These great tubes are just....well...BUTT UGLY! They have bizarre brands on the label (who ever heard of Video brand??) or have no label at all. Still, this is the original and real 1950s RCA made black plate that will never be duplicated. This is probably the last time they will be offered at this price, as we only have a few of these buttheads around. Fair supply now, but don't sit on your butt because when they are gone..... Warm blackplate sound with a nice top end. MATCHED PAIRS ARE JUST $60.00.

$30.00 call or email for stock

ugly 12AU7

12AT7 "BUTT UGLY" RCA made Blackplate, "wing shaped" black plates, most square or D getter.

New Old Stock White Box. High demand tube, getting hard to find. So if you had the chance, would you even grab a rough looking, Butt-Ugly RCA for your amp just because it is an RCA blackplate? You know you would, common sense tells you beauty is more than skin deep. No one wants to look at a butt ugly anything, but these butts are beauts! These rival the West Europe types, making them a real bargain now, while they last! These are the original and preferred tube for the phase inverter in most Fender amps. RCA made but missing labels or have strange OEM brand labels, just plain stinkin' ugly, but what a beautiful sound they make! Matched pairs are just $40.00 per pair.


ugly 12AT7


New Old Stock White Box. 1960s vintage, wing-shaped greyplates. A rare chance to buy real 1960s RCA 12AT7s, that are just plain "Butt Ugly", in pairs at unheard of low prices. These will not last for long. These are ugly RCA 12AT7 tubes that I did not know what to do with. Some are unlabelled (made for organs), some have partially wiped-off labels, some have tilted or strange looking construction, all NOS and tested! Perfect for guitar amps. Genuine RCA (with "stop sign" logo around tube number) USA made quality, bargain price! SINGLE TUBES ARE $15 EACH!

$30.00 per pair

ugly 12AT7

"BUTT UGLY" 6CG7/6FQ7 RCA cleartop, side mounted getterMATCHED PAIRS

New Old Stock? Almost New Old Stock? In white boxes. These are the real 1960s RCA made clear top 6CG7/6FQ7 but are cursed with BUTT UGLINESS!!! Many have labels smeared off, or are no label or OEM stock, in other words....BUTT UGLY! The tubes are great and fully guaranteed. Choice of audiophiles. These have low microphonics and a great sound.....getting scarce. These pairs are hand selected and matched to within 5 percent Gm, and are by far the best 6CG7 tube for the cost. And since this cost is half that of the pretty label tubes in pretty RCA boxes, these butts are beauts!

$39.00 per pair

ugly 6CG7

6V6GT made by RCA, "BUTT UGLY" RCA & OEM labels, blackplate, greyglass and blackglass

New Old Stock White Box. One of our most popular bargain priced NOS tubes! Made by RCA but these tubes are just plain BUTT UGLY! Some have various brands like Admiral, Bogen, Emerson, Ford,Philco, Sylvania, Delco, Marconi, and Magnavox, just to name a few of the many labels. EXACTLY the same as those labelled RCA, with the RCA factory "stop-sign" logo! Save now while you still can! MATCHED PAIRS JUST $50.00 PER PAIR! Construction varied slightly depending on production year, some are rare RCA blackglass types. As mentioned, the brands on the labels vary, and your pair will likely be two different labels and construction types. No picking of brands or construction type at this price! Guaranteed to be RCA "stop sign" logo on the glass tubes, Guaranteed BUTT UGLY, and guaranteed matched on our Tektronix 576 curve tracer.


ugly 6V6

6DJ8 "Butt Ugly" Amperex Bugleboy type, made in HollandMATCHED PAIRS

New Old Stock White Box. These boys are not pretty, in fact, they are BUTT UGLY! These are original Amperex Holland made 6SJ8 tubes just like the pretty boys, which was the most popular type of this tube. Considered by many to be the best example of a classic 1960s 6DJ8 tube. These boys are mostly off brand labels, missing labels, and were probably for OEM use by test equipment manufacturers. As stated, they are butt ugly, but they have a heart of gold. Their sonics are beautiful, simply put. ALL have the same Heerlen, Holland factory code mark. These are carefully hand selected pairs, probably the best bargain in matched pair vintage Dutch 6DJ8 tubes you will ever find. These are the same sweet sounding original Bugle Boy tubes, but without the cartoon tube on the label, at a huge discount! Single tubes are $55.00.

$110.00 per pair call/email for stock

ugly 6DJ8

E88CC / 6922 "BUTT UGLY" Amperex white PQ type, NO LABEL OR OEM LABEL, gold pins.MATCHED PAIRS

New Old Stock white Box. Numbers etched into the glass. Here we go again with more of these "BUTT UGLY" tubes that keep popping up in my stock! Man, these things are UGLY, but they are the real deal with the proper Amperex factory marks! Labels are either missing, crooked, or have strange brands on the glass, in other words.....BUTT UGLY! Fabulous original 1960s vintage white label type PQ shield type Amperex tubes, OEM label stock. Save big time on these exact same tubes as the pretty white label USN or PQ types listed above. This tube and the equally rare USA 7308 white label are acclaimed as some of the best NOS tubes of this type. Save big with this type over the costly 7308. Each pair has nicely matched triode sections, heavily plated gold pins. Carefully matched to within 2 percent. Very nice pairs of rare PQ type tubes! So once you get over how ugly she is, you will hear her inner beauty singing to you in your tube equipment. So, get off your butt and grab some before they vanish! SINGLE TUBES, WHEN AVAILABLE, ARE $85.00 EACH.

$170.00 per pair, call or email for current stock

ugly 6922

5881/6L6WGB Tung Sol made BUTT UGLY tubesMATCHED PAIR

New old stock, original box and white box. Wonderful tube which will sub for every 6L6 and 5881 type except for 6L6GC. These babies are just BUTT UGLY with different names on the labels, some have discolored bases, and crooked glass. These are the original Tung Sol made brownbase tubes which are scarce, and are considered the best 5881 ever made! Nice Gm match on these, and are matched at full rated voltages on our Tektronix 576 curve tracer. Some pairs are labeled for other brands like RCA and DuMont but are Tung Sol made.

$149.00 per pair call or email for current stock

ugly 5881


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