1590 West Algonquin Road #111
Hoffman Estates, IL 60192
Voice Phone 847-496-4546, Monday-Friday 8AM to 4PM USA Central Time
FAX only 847-963-1568, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week e-mail: brentjes@audiotubes.com
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An Important Note About NOS Tubes. Please Read.
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The EL34 and it's "Americanized" version, the 6CA7, are among the most popular and sought out vintage tubes today. This tube is a pentode of the power amplifier type. It probably gained most of it's popularity as the output tube of choice in the famous Dynakit ST70 amps, but it has been around since the 1950s. It was found in musicial instrument amps, public address systems, and other types of home and professional audio systems. It packs quite a whallop in a rather small glass package, and yet, in well crafted amps like the ST70, it can image well, with a delicate airy touch and a solid bottom end. I have never heard a "bad" vintage EL34. Even those made in the late 1970s in Great Britain are wonderful tubes, easily outperforming the current made tubes of this type. The EL34 and 6CA7 are identical, and most versions have both type numbers on the label. Another British-made tube, the KT77, is also a drop-in replacement for the EL34/6CA7 family. This is an excellent, but rare tube not often found in the USA>
This tube is capable of MAXIMUM plate voltage of 800 volts and peak power at 25 watts! Of course, these are absolute maximum readings, at which stage nuclear meltdown occurs! In typical class A operation, I have seen suggested specs of 250 volts on the plate and screen, giving a conservative power output of 11 watts. The vintage versions of this tube have no problem running at 440 volts on plate and screen at about -38 to -42 bias volts, and this is what is often found in vintage amps. Unfortunately, Russian and Chinese tubes begin to spit and spark at these voltages, which is why the British and Dutch vintage EL34 tubes are so much in demand. These tubes are getting pricey and hard to come by. These tubes last so long, that used ones testing sufficiently above minimum Gm are usually priced nearly as high as NOS versions, and it is often difficult to tell NOS from used on the open market as most of the boxes have rotted away!
NEW! CURVE TRACER MATCHING AVAILABLE! We can match most small signal preamp tubes and we now match all of our power output tubes on a Tektronix 576 curve tracer. This runs the tube at full rated plate and screen voltage, and plots the curves at 10 different grid bias levels. The most accurate method to test tubes, the curve plots can actually be compared to the printed examples for each tube type that appear in the manufacturer technical data sheets and books. This matching is provided at no extra charge for any EL34/6CA7 type of power tubes!
NOTE ON GROOVE TUBES: The E34LS, 6CA7GE, and Mullard Reissue types of pairs and quads made by Groove Tubes may be ordered with factory matching with respect to both Gm/plate current AND "hardness" ratings. The hardness rating is the degree to which the tube breaks up or distorts, when driven to it's limits. The standard "normal" breakup hardness is numbered 4-6. You may request early breakup ratings of 2-3 where the tube will distort nicely in a guitar amp when moderately overdriven. For very clean playing, or for use in hi-fi or stereo tube amps, you may request a late break up number of 7-9. These are very low distortion at high output tubes, and will not break up until heavily overdriven. There is no extra charge for hardness requests. If no request is made, we will send a "normal" rated set of tubes. All Groove Tubes are new and come in boxed pairs or quads, and GT power tubes have a 90 day defect warranty in conjunction with our 30 day satisfaction guarantee.
Here is what is most often found on the EL34 vintage market:
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Tube |
Description | Price Each |
Quantity In Stock |
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Quantity in Stock new listing categories: "In Stock" = we got 'em, come and get 'em! "Temporarily Out of Stock" = Dang it, we just ran out, but check back real soon! "Call/e-mail" = these are rare tubes and stock changes quickly. Please call us for the latest inventory, and we can often outsource these tubes for you. |
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See new stock listing key at left |
KT77 (EL34 type) Genalex original 1960s UK, thin brownbase, dual stacked halo getters, RARE |
NOS in original box. This was the Genalex (Marconi-Osram Valve Co. of England) answer to the popular Mullard EL34 series. It is a drop-in replacement for the EL34. This is the rare early version with the thin brownbase with the red decal, skinny bottle w/ flat top, and serrated edge top and bottom mica spacers. These have the legendary sweet Genalex sound. MATCHED PAIR IN BOXES! These are extremely rare tubes worldwide, but especially in the USA. |
$500.00 per pair |
out of stock |
KT77 (EL34 type) Genalex Gold Lion Series clearglass new production tubes |
New production. This was the Genalex (Marconi-Osram Valve Co. of England) answer to the popular Mullard EL34 series. The originals are now super rare, but now this excellent reissue is available from Brent Jessee Recording. Due to the Russian war, these have become difficult to find. We can get them special order and custom computer matched! It is a drop-in replacement for the EL34. This is the famous Gold Lion Series with the gold lion label and lion on the glass. These faithfully recreate the legendary sweet Genalex sound. These are custom matched by Apex Matching and then confirmed on our Tektronix 576 curve tracer. This attention to detail sets these tubes far above the "off the shelf" tubes you can get from other dealers (if they even have any!). |
$199.00 per pair |
in stock |
EL34/6CA7 Amperex Holland nickel base, both early production 1956 date codes. MATCHED PAIR |
Tests like New old stock, white boxes. These are the very rare first generation of the EL34, and some say sound the best. Both are first generation nickel base Amperex, with 1950s date codes. These test at NOS levels, Gm and plate current draw match to within 5 percent. Getter flashing is excellent. One has the Bugle Boy logo, the other just has the name AMPEREX on the glass. Both have the Holland factory marks. One has a slight dent in the metal base tube the glass it tight and this will not affect the operation of the tube in any way. These tubes are VERY scarce, and matched pairs of these have nearly vanished. |
$450.00 per pair |
out of stock |
EL34/6CA7 Mullard nickel base, early production 1955-1956 date code. MATCHED PAIR |
Tests very good, good getter flash, 1950s date code. These are the very rare first generation of the EL34, and some say sound the best. A very early production of this incredible tube! The chalky label has somewhat smudged off, but the tube tests NOS, has been aged in a hi-fi shop, and is ready to amaze you with it's beautiful sonics. Not many of these left in the world! |
$499.00 per pair |
out of stock |
EL34/6CA7 Early Telefunken Germany Nickel Base |
NOS in original boxes. Superb old Telefunken German made first generation EL34 tubes from the 1960s. These have the nickel collar around the base and these are only the second lot of these tubes I have found in 20 years. These have always been scarce in the USA, and some say the metal base tubes sound the best of all EL34 tubes. 1950s production in the old style Telefunken boxes, tested and matched. A great but very hard to find tube. Limited stock on hand. Priced per single tube, double the price for a matched pair. |
$225.00 |
out of stock |
EL34/6CA7 used tested good Mullard nickel base, early production 1950s date code. |
Tests very good, 1956 date code. These are the very rare first generation of the EL34, and some say sound the best. A very early production of this incredible tube! The chalky label has smudged and the box has fallen apart with age, but the tube is ready to amaze you with it's beautiful sonics. Not many of these left in the world! Priced per single tube. Inquire about pair availability. |
$149.00 |
out of stock |
Watch the first video in a series about vintage EL34 tubes! Then, scroll down lower on this page to watch part II for even more rare EL34 tubes! |
Click the screen at left. |
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EL34/6CA7 Mullard shield logo XF1 date code, hole in centering pin, large dark brown Micanol base, RARE. MATCHED PAIR |
NOS in original boxes and white boxes. Early XF1 date code from the late 1950s, large ring getters, excellent getter flash, labels fair to excellent, tested as NOS. This pair matches to within 5 percent Gm and plate current. Both are Mullard, Daystrom by Mullard, and OEM Mullard made label, all are Blackburn Mullard factory made and date coded. Labels and color of brown bases may vary. Steelbase quality at a lower price, these are a rare chance to invest in a legendary tube! |
450.00 per pair |
out of stock |
EL34/6CA7 Mullard made XF1 date code, hole in centering pin, large dark brown Micanol base, RARE. |
NOS in white box. Early XF1 date code (1950s) "fat base" type, dual ring getters, good getter flash. Blackburn Mullard factory made. These are a rare chance to invest in a legendary tube! Priced per single tube. |
199.00 |
one in stock |
EL34/6CA7 Mullard made XF1 date code, hole in centering pin, large dark brown Micanol base, RARE. |
Used tested good, white box. Early XF1 date code (1957) "fat base" type, dual ring getters, good getter flash. Blackburn Mullard factory made. These used but tested good tubes have repaired centering pins on the base, and the tubes are good as new! Try this Mullard legend at a fraction of the cost of NOS! MATCHED PAIRS ARE $250.00! |
125.00 |
email for stock |
EL34/6CA7 Telefunken |
NOS in military boxes. These are getting quite scarce in the USA, and some say sound the best of all EL34 tubes. I have a few of these with nice labels, brown micanol bases and dual halo getters. 1960s production, tested and matched. A great but very hard to find tube. Limited stock on hand. Priced per single tube, double the price for a matched pair. |
$150.00 |
out of stock |
EL34/6CA7 Mullard made, dark brownbase, XF2, dual halo getter. Blackburn UK factory codes.MATCHED PAIR |
New old stock, original and white box. Dark brown bases, excellent getter flashing. These rare NOS 1960s vintage Mullard tubes are a great example of how fine these tubes were, and one listen will tell you no one on earth makes tubes like this today. Becoming super rare, very limited stock. These all have various labels, with the Blackburn, UK Mullard date codes on the glass. Carefully hand picked and hand matched. Labels in the pair may vary. Single tubes are $225.00 each. |
$475.00 per pair |
out of Stock |
EL34/6CA7 Mullard made in Blackburn, UK, brownbase, XF2, single halo getter. |
Excellent getter flash, hole in centering pin, label excellent, various labels, tested like NOS. The single halo tube was sometimes made for Amperex, Westinghouse, Dynaco or RCA. Priced per single tube. MATCHED PAIRS ARE $399.00 PER PAIR. CLIENT COMMENTS ABOUT THE XF2 TYPE MULLARD EL34 TUBES: "Hi Brent, I received the Mullard XF2's more than a week ago, but only yesterday I had the time to finally try them out. I feel like I'm again at loss for words: this tubes put to shame everything I had considered "good tone" all my life. Suddenly the distortion becomes like 2 or 3 times more musical and you start hearing things seemingly contradictory: you can dime the thing full blast and still get complex chords unnafected with 6-string resonance. The overtones are thick, tridimensional and complex, but feel like a pillow to the ears. I always imagined that the best possible guitar distortion would be one that could pull off the paradox of agression/sweetness at the same time, and after a decade of playing stupid, harsh and similar sounding pedals I was beginning to think it could't be. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that my amp alone with the right tubes could outperform basically anything. It had been there all the time, unused! Thanks again! S.A." |
$199.00 |
in Stock |
EL34/6CA7 Mullard made in Blackburn, UK, brownbase, XF2, single or dual halo getter. MATCHED PAIR |
Used tested good, good getter flash, a good chance to try a pair of these rare tubes at a savings. The original Mullard UK made tubes with Blackburn factory codes are vanishing. This pair should give you long service. Single tubes are $80.00. |
$175.00 per pair |
out of stock |
EL34C/6CA7 Psvane special hand selected pairs.MATCHED PAIR |
Original new production Psvane EL34C tubes from China. A decent current production tube that covers the void left by the Russian tubes that are not available. Carefully custom matched into pairs or quads on a computer matching system, then double tested on our curve tracer. Far more than any other dealer does for you, these are truly hand matched for your order. Priced per pair, double that for a quad. |
$129.00 per pair |
in Stock |
Click on the screen to watch video part II for even more rare EL34 tubes! |
Click the screen at left. |
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EL34/6CA7 Matched Pair Mullard made for Valvo, or Philips, XF3, XF4 single halo getter.MATCHED PAIR |
New old stock, original box. Excellent silvery getter flash, excellent labels. Closely matched with identical plate current draw and close Gm. Various labels, all Mullard made. NOS Mullard made pairs like this are getting very scarce. SINGLE TUBES ARE $145.00 |
$399.00 per pair |
in stock |
EL34/6CA7 Matched Pair Amperex Holland made, Bugle Boy type, brownbase, XF3,XF5, or XF4, dual "D" getter.MATCHED PAIR |
NOS original box and whitebox, hole in centering pin. Holland made, excellent sonics, some are CBS "Germany" labeled, some Amperex Bugleboy, and some Philips Miniwatt. One of the best prices around for pairs of real, NOS Holland Amperex EL34 tubes from the 1960s! Various labels in stock, all Amperex. SINGLE TUBES, WHEN AVAILABLE, ARE $149.00 EACH. |
$299.00 per pair |
in stock |
EL34/6CA7 Matched Pair Amperex Holland made, brownbase, XF3, XF4, XF5, dual "D" getter.MATCHED PAIR |
Light use tested good, hole in centering pin. Holland made, excellent sonics, some are Bugleboy labeled. SINGLE TUBES, WHEN AVAILABLE, ARE $50.00 EACH. |
$130.00 per pair |
out of Stock |
EL34/6CA7 Siemens, mid to late 1970s production, blackbase MATCHED PAIR |
New old stock, various labels, in original boxes. Nice later versions of the excellent-sounding German answer to the Mullard EL34 tubes. These 1970s Siemens tubes are becoming a cult classic as the Mullard and Amperex tubes become increasingly scarce. Some made for National,Valvo, Westinghouse, and Ultron, some industrial OEM without labels. These pairs sound great and are easy on the budget. Single tubes are $100.00 each. CLIENT COMMENTS: "Hello Brent, I just received today the pair of NOS Siemens EL 34. Sound is Fantastic, I never heard voices like this, I can't believe that these tubes used only as current source in my amps can improve so much the sound, paired with the RCA Red base 6SL7 that you sold me in the past it's just incredible. Thanks a lot again for your advices. Have a nice day. D.C." |
$200.00 per pair |
out of stock |
EL34/6CA7 Sylvania, RCA or GE "Fat Boy" type. |
NOS in white box , made in USA. Dual top mounted ring getters, large envelope style. These are getting SCARCE!! All are identical manufacture, despite different brand names, and some have Lindal or amp brands on the labels. Priced per single tube. MATCHED PAIRS ARE $299.00! USED TUBES, WHEN AVAILABLE ARE $65 EACH or $130 per pair. | $145.00 |
in Stock |
EL34/6CA7 Japanese Mullard factory (Matshushita) made for Amperex, skinny bottle type. |
New old stock, original box when available. Blackbase, single halo getter, crimped plates, NOS in original box. Very nice tubes, made in the Matshushita factory set up by Mullard, and these tubes resemble classic Mullards. SINGLE TUBES ARE $80.00 EACH. |
$160.00 per pair |
out of Stock |
EL34/6CA7 1970s vintage China made for Philips ECG and International, skinny bottle type. |
New old stock, original box. Blackbase, dual square top getters. mid 1970s production, NOS in original box. Very nice tubes, early Chinese production EL34 made for Philips ECG (formerly Sylvania) and International. Much better than most of the current Chinese tubes. SINGLE TUBES ARE $40.00 EACH. |
$80.00 per pair |
in Stock |
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